Most Active Contributors

This leaderboard ranks contributors by their engagement level across all mailing lists within the specific timeframe, showcasing the most engaged and active contributors.

The leaderboard integrates data from to help you understand how new contributors are engaging with your project's mailing lists.

Analyze the leaderboard

  1. On the Overview page, select the project and repositories for which you want to see the new contributor leaderboard.

  2. From the left navigation, click Mailing Lists.

  3. Look for the date filter in the top-right corner of the dashboard.

  4. Click on the calendar icon and select the timeframe you want to analyze. You can choose predefined options like "Last year," or "this year," or set a custom date range.

  5. Scroll down the Mailing Lists dashboard to see the most active contributors leaderboard.

  6. The leaderboard displays the most active contributors based on their message count during the chosen period.

  7. Each entry shows:

  • Rank: Position on the leaderboard based on message count.

  • Contributor Name: Username of the contributor.

  • Messages: Total number of messages posted.

  • Last Message Date: Date of the most recent message posted.

  • Click Show More to expand the list.

Last updated

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