Create Mentee Profile
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Last updated
1. To create a mentee profile, Sign in to the Mentorship and select Become a Mentee navigation menu item.
Keep these items ready before you begin:
An image file for your avatar in JPG, PNG, or SVG format with a maximum size of 2 MB
Your LinkedIn profile URL
Your GitHub profile URL
Your resume in a PDF, DOC, or DOCX format
2. Complete the Eligibility Requirements section
Are you at least 18 years of age, or will you be by the time the mentorship program starts
Are you eligible to work in the country you reside in for the duration of the mentorship?
Please select "No" to confirm that you do not have other mentee profile(s) on the Linux Foundation Mentorship platform and are not participating in other Linux Foundation mentorship project(s). Doing so will disqualify you from the program.
3. Next, complete the following sections of the form:
Red asterisks indicate required fields. A bar at the top of the page shows your progress as you click Next through the form.
4. Select the Terms and Conditions checkbox, and click Submit.
Your name and email fields are auto-populated from your Linux Foundation account. Upload an avatar image, which will appear on your mentee card.
Introduce yourself by answering the questions required to complete this section.
Provide a mailing address.
Provide links to your external profiles and upload your resume. Mentee resumes will be shared with mentors during the application process. After graduation, the resumes may be shared with prospective employers.
Click +Add skill CTA to add your current skills and skills that you want to improve. These are important for the administrators and mentors to determine if you're a good fit for the program.
Providing your demographics is optional. This information is collected for the purpose of compiling, analyzing, and disclosing aggregate statistics regarding the diversity of participation in open source projects and communities (including in The Linux Foundation Mentorship Program opportunities), to help track progress towards meeting our commitment to diversity initiatives.
You must select the checkbox to submit the application.