TUX Rewards FAQs

What is a Tux Rewards membership?

Tux Rewards Membership is our loyalty program that rewards you for purchasing training and certification from us! There is no fee, and it’s easy to join! You earn 1 point for every $1 spent with us, up to 500 per day. 500 points earn you a 50% off coupon code to be used toward (1) one course, certification exam, bundle, or boot camp.

How do I receive 50% discount coupons for LF training or certifications?

Connect your GitHub and LinkedIn accounts to receive a 50% discount coupon for LF training or certification.

  1. This is a one-time reward, and you can get a maximum of 500 reward points.

  2. If you already have 500 reward points applied to your profile or have been previously rewarded 500 points, you will not qualify for these new 500 points.

  3. Complete the following steps:

    1. Connect to your Github account. You can connect as many Github accounts as you like, but the reward point will be granted only once per identity.

    2. Populate your work history by connecting your LinkedIn account.

    3. Complete your project affiliations. This ensures that you have some code contributions (at least 1) that you can affiliate with some organizations or as an individual.

  4. The reward points are awarded to a single LF profile.

  5. The coupon for 50% off is generated as soon as the above conditions are met. You can link your accounts independently and then perform affiliations later.

How do I become a Tux Rewards member?

When you spend $500 with us, you will be automatically enrolled as a Tux Rewards member.

Will my previous orders be counted toward my current status?

If you spent $500 or more with us between October 11, 2019, and October 11, 21 you will be automatically enrolled in the Tux Rewards program and receive a 50% discount coupon code to be used toward all courses, certification exams, bundles, and boot camps.

What happens if I refund a purchase?

A refunded order will disqualify that order from counting toward your Tux Rewards balance.

How do I redeem my discount coupon codes?

You can claim your benefits online directly from your user profile. In addition, you will receive emails alerting you to exclusive member offers throughout the year!

How to Redeem Your Coupon Code:

1. Sign in to MyProfile from the Linux Foundation website using your LFID.

2. On the left navigation pane, click Rewards > Coupons.

3. On the My Coupons subpage, you can view a list of coupons, discounts, and promotions associated with your account.

4. Click on Redeemable Coupons to claim the coupon code.

5. Once you finish generating the coupon code, go to the Training and Certification catalog select the product you are interested in purchasing, choose to enroll, and log into your Linux Foundation account. Then paste the coupon code into the box and proceed through the rest of the checkout process.

6. If you experience issues with your coupon code, please click the orange ‘Get Help’ button on the top right corner of your MyProfile Dashboard.

What do I have to do to stay enrolled as a Tux Reward member?

To remain enrolled in the Tux Reward program, you will need to make at least one purchase (of any amount) from us every three years.

Can I combine Tux Rewards points for multiple Linux Foundation Accounts?

Tux Rewards points are tied to a single Linux Foundation account and may not be combined.

If I make a purchase with an invoice or register using a redemption code will it count toward my Tux Rewards points?

Tux Rewards points are not accumulated for purchases made with an invoice or when using a redemption code.

How long do I have to redeem my coupon?

Once you earn your Tux Rewards 50% coupon by making a purchase of $500 or more, you have two years to use the coupon code generated.

If my purchase totals more than $500 will I receive more than one 50% coupon?

You earn 1 point for every $1 spent with us, with a max of 500 points earned per day. (If your purchase for 1 day exceeds $500, you will earn 500 points and the amount over $500 will not roll over to another day.)

When you reach 500 points, you will receive a 50% discount coupon that you may use on any new purchase from training.linuxfoundation.org.

How long will it take for my points to show up after I purchase?

Once you make a purchase that qualifies for Tux Rewards points, it may take up to 72 hours for the points to show up in your portal account.

Last updated

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