Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker service allows you to set up the Jira board to track issues and backlog activities related to your project. You can set up the Jira board, and add, update, and delete service administrators.

Deploying a New Jira Board

You can deploy a new Jira board to your project.

To deploy a new Jira board for a project, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into PCC.

  2. On the Project dashboard, click Issue Tracker from the Collaboration tab.

  1. On the Issue Tracking page, click Deploy New and click Connect.

Connecting to the Existing Jira Board

You have an option to connect to the existing Jira board for your project.

To connect to the existing Jira board for a project, perform the following steps:

  1. Search for the required project. The Project dashboard appears. Click Issue Tracker from the Collaborations tab.

Adding a Service Administrator

After setting up the Jira board, you can add a Service Administrator to the Jira board.

To add a Service Administrator to the Jira board for a project, perform the following steps:

  1. Search for the required project. The Project dashboard appears. Click Issue Tracker from the Collaborations tab.

  2. In the Jira tab, click +Add Service Administrator.

  1. The Add Service Administrator dialog box appears. Enter the Full Name of the user and the Email Address and click Save.

Last updated

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