Project Application

Project Details

The following table lists all the fields in the Project Details panel of the Project Application:

Field Name

Project Name

A funding project name which must be unique. Note: Funds of a different type can use the same name. For example, a Travel Fund and a Project fund can use the same name.

Topic / Category

Elevator pitch

Brief statement of why your project is important to support.

Repository URL

URL of the Git repository. Note: If you choose Add GITHUB/GIT Repository from the options while applying, your Git repository is automatically reflected in this field.

Website URL

A link to the website that you want to associate with the fund.

CII Project ID

Code of Conduct URL

Project Branding

The following table lists all the fields in the Project Branding panel of the Project Application:

Filed Name

Project Logo

A symbol or other design adopted by your organization that identifies your project. Click Browse to upload a file. File size should be 2MB max and in JPG, PNG, or SVG format.

Accent Color

A color that's a part of the project's brand. Enter a hexadecimal number or click in the field to open the color picker.

Project Beneficiaries

Important: If you enroll your project for mentorship program, the accepted mentees are automatically added as project beneficiaries in the funding application. For details, see enroll your project.

Beneficiaries are individuals who work on a project and then request reimbursement for their time and expenses. They receive invitation from Expensify (an expense management application) to submit reimbursement for their expenses.

The following table lists all the fields in the Project Beneficiaries panel of the Project Application:

Field Name


The name of the person who you want to designate as a beneficiary of funds.


The email of the project beneficiary.

After you enter the name and email address of a person, click +Add beneficiary to add the person to the list. To add more beneficiaries, click + Add beneficiary and complete the fields that appear.

Note: Only the project administrator can add or remove beneficiaries. The finance team is notified and adjusts the Expensify accounts accordingly.

Annual Project Funding

Annual Project Funding is a total project funding goal amount for the year. The Annual Funding Goal amount is the sum of the individual goal amounts.

Fund Distribution

Fund Distribution enables goals for how you want to distribute funds in your project. Enter a percentage of your Annual Funding Goal amount to designate towards the selected goal. Following are various goals towards which you can distribute your fund:

  • Development Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to pay top developers for contributing codes, adding features, fixing bugs, and training and bringing in new talents to the community.

  • Marketing Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to promote and grow your project through the development of collateral, website design, t-shirts to wear at events, and so on.

  • Meetups Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to socially connect with your community through local meetups, annual summits, or big industry events. ****

  • Bug Bounty Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to run bug bounty programs (for example, through HackerOne or other program), and pay community to help you identify bugs.

  • Travel Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to sponsor travel for project members to attend conferences, meetups, or customer meetings.

  • Documentation Goal: You can use funds allocated for this category to drive specific documentation activities, such as paying technical writers, purchasing subscription premiums, and so on.

Financial Summary

The Financial Summary shows the annual financial goal and progress towards it by individual goal. It shows a distribution report based on your selection from the Fund Distribution panel.

Terms and Conditions

Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, and Submit the application.

After The Linux Foundation reviews the application, you will receive an email notification with a review decision.

Last updated

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