Setting up a Domain for a Project

A domain name provides a unique identity for your project. You can set up a unique domain name that will allow you to have administrative autonomy and control within the internet world.

To set a domain for the project, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to PCC.

  2. Search for the required project. The Project dashboard appears, click the Operations > Domains tab.

  1. On the Domains page, click + Add Domain to add a domain for your project.

To change the primary domain for the project, please raise a support ticket.

  1. On the Add Domain dialog box, enter the Domain Name and click the Check Availability button.

  1. The domain will be searched and checked against the following points:

  • The domain is already owned by the project being set up.

  • The domain is already owned by another project (whose name is unknown).

  • The domain is already owned by another known project.

  1. You will see a green check mark if the domain name is available. Click Register Domain to register it.

  1. If the domain is taken by another project, you can bid for it.

Set up the primary domain for your project before configuring other IT services like mailing lists, wikis, issue tracking, and email forwarding.

Setting up Primary Domain

You can set up a primary domain for a project using any available and registered domains. A primary domain represents your company or project's main address. It is also linked to your web hosting.

To set up a primary domain for a project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Domains page for the required project. The domain page appears with the list of domains registered with the project.

  2. Place the cursor in the Search Domain box, select the required domain, and click the Set As Primary Domain button.

  1. The domain will be selected and listed as a Primary Domain.

Disable Auto Renew

By default, when a domain is added to your project, the domain is set to auto-renew. The administrator can disable the auto-renew.

To disable the auto-renew of the domain, follow these:

  1. Click the overflow menu icon, and select Disable auto-renew.

  1. The Disable auto-renew dialog box appears. Click Yes to cancel the auto-renewal of the domain.

Delegate DNS

Domain Name System (DNS) is the hierarchical and decentralized naming system used to identify computers, services, and other resources reachable through the internet or other internet protocol networks. DNS converts human-readable domain names to machine-readable IP addresses.

DNS Delegation is nothing but providing rights from one resource to another. Delegations allow the servers in one zone to refer clients to servers in other zones.

The administrator can delegate the DNS for the managed DNS.

To delegate the DNS through PCC, perform the following:

2.The Delegate DNS server pop box appears. Provide the required Name Servers and select the I Understand statement and click Delegate.

You can provide the details of the six name servers.

3.A flyer message appears informing that the DNS delegation is successful and under DNS Hosting, the managed status changes to Delegated.

Last updated

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