General Funds

General Funds page displays the project initiatives that are currently submitted for raising funds.

  1. Navigate to Crowdfunding.

  2. From General Funds tab, select a project to navigate to the project's dashboard.

  3. Select one of the following tabs to view details:


The overview shows some or all of the following items depending on the data that is available:



Current Balance

The total amount of funds available in the account.

Sponsor Organizations

The logos of companies that sponsor the project.

View Website

Opens the associated website.


Dashboard shows various aspects of the project.


Current Balance

The total amount of funds available in the account.


The amount of money that has been donated to the project.


The amount of money spent or costs incurred for the project, which indicate the cost of doing business.

Recent Transactions

Lists recorded financial transactions in chronological order. Click View all transactions to see a log of transactions.


The Financial tab lists all transactions with details in chronological order. Click the icon next to Fees to see the see distribution of applicable fees.

Last updated

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