
The Events dashboard in the LFX PCC provides an overview of your project's event-related metrics, including upcoming events, sponsorship details, and registration statistics.

The Events charts provide the following details:

  • Total events bar graph

  • Total event sponsorship

  • Upcoming event details

  • CFP Status: The Call for Proposals (CFP) status is integrated into event metrics displaying the relevant status for each event.

Total Event

The Total Events bar graph shows the past and upcoming events, including the progress percentage for organized events. It also displays sponsorship levels for memberships, categories such as Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Silver, Bronze, and General.

Exploring Events

Click Explore More, you will be redirected to the Events details page. The Events details page provides various details related to the events for the current year. Events details page 1. provides information 2. furnishes particulars 3. supplies specifics such as:

  • Total events bar graph

  • Total event sponsorship

  • A pictorial world map that provides details such as the name of the place, total revenue, and total registrants when you hover over a location.

  • Event Attendance and Growth bar graph

  • Events table

On click of the event name, an event snapshot which provides:

  • Event Name

  • Registration details

  • Sponsorship details

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events provides you with the details of the forthcoming events, such as the total number of registration and the total goal set for the registration. It also provides you with more information related to the speakers. It gives you the total number of speakers accepted out of the total number of registered speakers.

Last updated

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