Managing Committees

Managing Committees

you can edit committees, add subcommittees, move, manage members, and delete the committees using Manage committees option.

Updating the Committee

You can update or modify the committee. To update the committee, perform the following steps:

  1. Under Manage, click theand select Edit.

  2. The Manage Committee dialog box appears.

  3. Update the committee as needed and click Save.

Adding a sub-committee

You can also add a sub-committee under a committee. To add a sub committee, perform the following steps:

  1. Under Manage, click theand select Add Subcommittee.

  2. The Add Sub Committee page appears. Enter the details as required and click Next.

  3. You can also add members to the sub-committee.

  4. Click Save to save the sub-committee.

Moving a Committee into another Committee

You can move a committee under an existing committee. To move a committee, perform the following steps:

  1. Under Manage, click theand select Move.

  2. The Move Committee dialog box appears.

  3. Select the committee under which you want to move the committee and click Move.

Deleting a Committee

You can delete a committee if you want to. Deleting a committee will also remove all the members added to the committee. To delete a committee, perform the following steps:

  1. Under Manage, click theand select Delete.

  2. The Delete Committee confirmation dialog box appears.

  3. Click Delete to delete the committee. You will see a confirmation message that the committee has been deleted.

Managing Meetings

Meetings related to committees are listed in the committee's list under the Upcoming Meetings tab. You can see the scheduled meetings as well as schedule a meeting.

Click Schedule, the page navigates to Meeting Management to schedule a meeting.

Managing Mailing List

You can configure a mailing list for your committees. On clicking Configure, it is available under Mailing List, and the page navigates to Mailing List.

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