Mentorship FAQs

What is the Linux Foundation Mentorship?

The Linux Foundation Mentorship connects mentees with mentors to increase diversity and inclusion in open source communities. Each project develops its mentorship program, including identifying mentors and mentees, outlining tasks, and determining stipends.

How long do mentorship programs last?

Each project decides the duration of its mentorship programs, but most start at 12 weeks. Projects often offer opportunities for part-time and full-time mentorships.

For example, the Linux Kernel Mentorship Program includes both full-time and part-time volunteer mentee positions each year.

Who can participate in the mentorship program?

  • People from around the world (excluding Russia, Belarus, Donetsk People's Republic, and Luhansk People's Republic)

  • Students

  • Eligible mentors must be approved or invited by a project administrator

  • All applicants must meet the Linux Foundation Mentorship eligibility requirements

Are participants from Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus allowed to participate in the LFX Mentorship Programs 2022?

Due to current circumstances, the Linux Foundation's 2022 mentorship programs are not accepting participants from:

  • Russia

  • Belarus

  • Donetsk People's Republic (DNR)

  • Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) However, participants from Ukraine (excluding DNR and LNR) are eligible to apply.

Do mentees get compensated?

Mentees are not paid wages for participating in the mentorship. However, some projects may offer stipends or other incentives to support mentees, with funding determined by each project.

What are some of the projects and employers participating in mentorship programs?

Open source projects participating in the Mentorship program include the Linux Kernel, Zephyr, Open Mainframe Project, Jaeger, and Vue.js. Corporate participants include Huawei and Twitter.

Last updated

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