Getting Started

What Role Are You?

How you interact with EasyCLA depends on your role. EasyCLA supports the following roles in its workflow:

When a CCLA is first being signed, the Contributor, CLA Manager, and CLA Signatory all might be the same person--or they might be different people. Each contributing company will determine for themselves which employees have these roles. Read below to understand these roles so that you can discuss with your company's management and legal counsel about who should be designated for each.

Project Manager

A Project Manager is typically a project administrator or maintainer responsible for setting up the project's CLA templates and configuring the corresponding repositories in the EasyCLA Project Console (also called Project Control Center). For more details, see Project Managers.


A contributor is typically a developer contributing code to a GitHub or Gerrit project set up on EasyCLA.

The specific workflow a contributor follows depends on two factors:

  • Whether the project is hosted on GitHub or Gerrit.

  • Whether they are contributing on their behalf or behalf of a company (usually their employer).

After submitting a contribution to GitHub or Gerrit, a contributor who has not yet been authorized under a signed CLA will initially encounter a block. To resolve this, they will use the EasyCLA Contributor Console to either:

  • Sign an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA) if contributing on their behalf.

  • Identify the company on whose behalf they are contributing, allowing them to either be authorized under a signed Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) or initiate the CCLA signing process.

CLA Manager

A CLA manager is an individual authorized by a company to manage the list of authorized contributors and other CLA managers under that company's Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) for a project.

A CLA Manager uses the EasyCLA Corporate Console to:

When a CCLA is first being set up for signature, it will specify an "Initial CLA Manager." This person uses the EasyCLA Corporate Console to coordinate the signing of the CLA (see CLA Signatory below).

After the CCLA is fully signed, the specified Initial CLA Manager can use the EasyCLA Corporate Console to manage the list of authorized contributors. They can also designate additional CLA managers.

By default, a CLA manager is not automatically an authorized contributor themselves, unless they add themselves to the authorized contributor list.

CLA Signatory

A CLA signatory is an individual authorized by their company to sign a Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) on its behalf.

If a company's CLA signatory is the same as their initial CLA manager, they will be redirected to sign the CCLA via the EasyCLA Corporate Console. If the CLA signatory is a different person from the initial CLA manager, the CLA signatory will receive an email to review and sign the CCLA.

If you are authorized and receive an email request to sign contracts, then review and sign the project’s CLA on behalf of the company.

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