What are the different data sources supported in PCC?

PCC supports the following data sources:

  • Groups.io

  • Github

  • git

  • Gerrit

  • Linkedin

  • Discord

  • Reddit

  • Slack

  • Hacker News

  • Stack Overflow

  • X/Twitter

  • YouTube

  • Salesforce

  • Cvent

  • Sessionize

  • T&C

  • LFX

    • LFX Meetings

    • LFX Committee

    • LFX Surveys

    • LFX Community Management

    • LFX Insights

    • LFX EasyCLA

Can I rename an archived PCC project?

Yes, you can contact our support team or submit a support ticket.

For PCC voting, does the system automatically send reminders to voters who have not cast their votes?

No, the system does not currently have an automatic reminder feature for voting.

Last updated

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