Hacker News integration

By integrating Hacker News with Community Management, you can create a more engaging, informative, and collaborative environment for your users, setting your platform apart from others in the market.

Connect Hacker News

To connect Hacker News with CM, follow these steps:

  1. On the INTEGRATIONS page, you will see all the connectors. Scroll down and check the Hacker News connector.

  2. Click Connect.

You can track the following two types of information: In the mentions field define the common keywords that you want to look at. For example: common names of your project such as LFX. Additionally, also add important URLs to track, such as GitHub, your organization's website, etc.

  1. On the pop-up window, You will see the following two different input options:

  • Mentions are the name(s) of your company or community. The more holistic the selection, the better. However, please do not make it too broad not to pollute your workspace data.

  • URLs are the different URLs that are relevant to your company and community. This could be your homepage, your app, or your GitHub repository.

Data tracked


  • Posts that mention your community on Hacker News that got to the Top or Best categories (about 70% of the posts)

  • (Nested) comments on those posts

Historical import

  • Only posts created on or after the 1st of December 2022 are guaranteed to be imported

Not tracked

  • Any post that does not specifically mention your community

Last updated

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