
After logging in to the PCC, the home page serves as the default landing page. It offers an overview of your projects and subprojects.

Add a Project

You can host your project at the Linux Foundation. Once the company decides to host its project on the Linux Foundation, you (the administrator) create a project for every new company that hosts their projects or foundation on the Linux Foundation using PCC.

  1. The Add Project dialog box appears. Update the following details and click Next.



Common Name

Enter the name of the project that you identify the project name with. This is a mandatory field.

Category will be enabled only when you select a Parent Project. You can select the project to categorize for better grouping and navigation.


Slug will be automatically added when you provide the common name. You can also edit it if you need.

Parent Project

Select the parent project if you want to associate or add your project as a child project.

Select No Parent, if you do not want to add any parent project.


Select the appropriate stage of the project. By default, the stage is selected to Prospect when you create a new project.

Primary Website/Domain

Enter the primary website or domain of the project.

Repository URL

Enter the GitHub repository url.

Project Logo

You can upload the relevant logo for your project.

  1. Sandbox: A testing environment for experimental or unfinished projects.

  2. SIG: Special Interest Group, focused on specific areas or technologies.

  3. Standards: Projects developing or implementing technical standards.

  4. TAC: Technical Advisory Committee, guiding technical direction.

  5. Active: Currently ongoing and maintained projects.

  6. Adopted: Projects officially accepted by the organization.

  7. Archived: Inactive projects preserved for reference.

  8. At-Large: Projects not fitting into other specific categories.

  9. Early Adoption: Projects in initial stages of implementation or use.

  10. Emeritus: Retired projects or members with honorary status.

  11. Graduated: Projects that have reached a mature, stable state.

  12. Growth: Projects experiencing significant development or expansion.

  1. The Add Project dialog box with additional fields appears. Update the following details and click Create Project.



Technology Sector

Select an appropriate technology sector for your project. You can also select more than one sector.

If you feel that your project falls across all sectors, check the Cross Technology box.

Industry Sector

Select an appropriate industry sector for your project. You can also select more than one sector.

If you feel that your project falls across all sectors, check the Cross-Industry box.

Technical Activity Type

Select an appropriate technical activity for your project. You can also select more than one sector.

Formation Date

Select the formation date of the project.

Expected Announcement Date

Select the date when the project will be expected to be released.

Primary Open Source License

Select the required primary open source license for your project.


Provide a short description of your project.

Mission Statement

Provide a single-line mission statement that depicts your project followed by the primary goal of your project. This is a mandatory field.

  1. A success message is displayed when a project is created successfully. You can see the newly added project under My Projects tab.

By default, the project status is set to Draft for a new project. You can change the status of the basic setup service.

View All Projects

View All Projects lists all the projects that are created irrespective of who has created them.

Search Projects and Domains

The search bar at the top of the interface lets you quickly find specific projects by entering keywords or project names.

When using the search input, you will retrieve a list of related projects and domains, if any.

The following two features work together to provide a flexible and efficient way to navigate the platform:

  1. Use the search bar to find specific projects or content within that domain.

  2. Use the domain selector to refine your search context first.

  1. Clicking on a project will redirect you to the selected project.

  2. Clicking on a domain will redirect you to manage that domain within the project it is associated with.

Meetings Calendar

If your project uses LFX Meetings, the calendar on the dashboard will offer a concise and comprehensive overview of all upcoming and past meetings associated with the current project.

You can adjust the visibility of the calendar by clicking the calendar toggle button, which allows you to easily show or hide the calendar as needed.

Quick links allow you to navigate to common tasks within PCC faster. Depending on your access, you can:

  1. View or create a committee

  2. View or create a mailing list

  3. View or schedule a meeting

  4. View or send Surveys

  5. View Public Calendar

Quick Links assist you in creating the following tasks:

Project Staff

Project staff outlines key individuals within a project, such as:

  • Executive Director

  • Program Manager

  • Opportunity Owner

To update the project staff, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the name within the Project Staff list.

  2. You can edit the names of the Executive Director and Program Manager in the pop-up window.

  3. Click Confirm.

Currently, you are unable to update the Opportunity Owner. To update the Opportunity Owner, please contact support.

Last updated

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