

To view your transactions for all the purchases you made through the Linux Foundation:

  1. Log into My Profile using your LF account, and from the left-side navigation pane, navigate to Purchases > Transactions.

  2. In this section, you can view the following transaction details:

    1. All Transactions

    2. Event Tickets Training and Certifications

    3. Individual Support and Purchase

In this section, you can view the following transaction details:

  • Name, which is the name of the product, event, training, or certification course

  • Order ID number, which is also displayed on the order confirmation email

  • Transaction Date

  • Transaction Status, i.e. Completed

  • Transaction Value, which provides the purchase amount

All Transactions

All Transactions provides the transaction details related to all the transactions.

Event Tickets

Event tickets provide transaction details related to the event.

Training and Certifications

Training and Certifications provide the transaction details related to training and certifications.

Individual Supporter Program and Purchase

Individual Supporter Program and Purchase provide transaction details related to the individual support program and purchases.

Last updated

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