Benefits for Mentors
Mentoring is not just transferring knowledge and advice, it’s more about investing time in nurturing another profesional. Moreover, it gives a personal satisfaction when you help somebody grow and gets absorbed by the open source community. Following are some key benefits:
Opportunity to teach and share expertise
Helps to expand professional development record
Opportunity to develop leadership and coaching style
Exposure to be recognized as a Subject Matter Expert
Get help with work in your respective technical areas
Opportunity to train and bring new talent into the project
It gives an immense satisfaction, and showcases your leadership quality when your mentees write high about you in their blogs at the end of the program. Following are excerpts from blogs written by mentees:
“I am writing this post to share my experiences about working with Hyperledger and to report on the project itself and the impact it can have on the Hyperledger community as well as on my personal development. My mentor was Salman Baset, an active member of the Hyperledger community. I must emphasize what a great mentor he was, always available, communicative and helpful. He gave me a lot of hints and helped me out when I got stuck, but, still, I had the freedom to make technical and strategic decisions. I have learned a lot from him, and he (and this project) provided a huge boost for my personal improvement.”
– Balazs Prehoda, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Summer Mentorship Program
“I am very grateful for the support from my mentors, Baohua Yang, Haitao Yue, Tong Li and Jiahao Chen, as well as Hyperledger and for the opportunity to learn and contribute to open source Hyperledger projects.”
– Manank Patni, Hyperledger Summer Mentorship Program\
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