Transferring a Domain

Transfer Domain

As an administrator, you can transfer the domains that are owned outside your project. You can transfer such domains to your projects.

To transfer a domain, follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add Domain.

  1. Enter the domain name that you want to transfer to your project, and click Check Availability.

  1. Once done, it will show that the domain has been taken. Select Yes; transfer Domain to proceed.

  1. On the Next page, you will be asked if you want to delegate the DNS to the Linux Foundation or keep it at source.

If Linux Foundation is going to manage the DNS
  1. Obtain the Zone File: The current domain owner needs to get the Zone File from their registrar. If they do not know where to find it, they should contact their registrar's support team for help.

  2. Import the Zone File:

    • Once you have the Zone File, upload it using the Import DNS zone file feature.

    • If the domain does not have an active Zone File, skip to step 4.

  3. Verify the Zone File:

    • After uploading, verify that all records are correct. If any of the records are missing from PCC, it might cause issues after the transfer.

4. Update Name Server (NS) Records:

  • Copy the NS records provided (refer above image) and send them to the current domain owner. The owner needs to update these records in their registrar's settings. If they need assistance, they should contact their registrar's support team.

  1. Verify NS Delegation:

    • After the NS records are updated, it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to sync globally. Click Verify NS Delegation to check if the process is complete.

    • If the domain is not delegated after 24 hours, wait another 24 hours and check again.

  2. Troubleshoot Delegation Issues:

    • If after 48 hours the domain is still not delegated, visit, enter the domain name, and check the Name Servers section:

      • If the correct NS records (,,, are not showing, repeat step 4.

      • If the correct NS records are showing, contact Linux Foundation support for assistance.

  3. Complete the Transfer:

    • Once the NS delegation is verified, enter the transfer code provided by the current domain owner.

    • If DNSSEC is enabled on the domain, or if both you and the current owner use DNSimple, contact Linux Foundation support for further assistance.

  4. Begin Transfer:

    • Click Begin Transfer to start the process. The transfer can take up to 7 days to complete.

If the Linux Foundation is NOT going to manage the DNS and you want to keep it to current owner
  1. Skip DNS Zone Migration: If you prefer to keep the DNS management with the current domain owner, select the option Skip DNS Zone migration.

  2. Enter the Transfer Code: You will be asked to provide a transfer code. Obtain this code from the current domain owner.

  3. Confirm DNSSEC:

    • The current domain owner can verify if DNSSEC is enabled. If DNSSEC is active, contact Linux Foundation support for assistance.

  4. DNSimple Users:

    • If the current domain owner is also using DNSimple (the Linux Foundation's registrar), reach out to Linux Foundation support for further guidance.

  5. Begin the Transfer:

    • Click Begin Transfer to initiate the process. Be aware that the transfer can take up to 7 days to complete.

  1. You can import the DNS Zone file or skip it if you do not have it. Click Save and Continue.

  1. The Domain will be listed in your project with the status Transfer Code Needed.

Last updated

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