Manage Your Tasks

Managing Tasks in the Mentorship Program

To effectively manage tasks assigned to you, follow these steps:

Accessing Your Tasks

  1. Sign in to the Mentorship Program: Log in to the mentorship platform to access your tasks.

  2. Select the My Tasks Tab: Once logged in, navigate to the "My Tasks" tab to view your assigned tasks.

Viewing and Managing Tasks

In the "Tasks Assigned To Me" section, you can view and manage the following types of tasks:

  • Prerequisite Tasks: Review and complete any prerequisite tasks required for the mentorship program.

  • Mentorship Milestone Tasks: View and complete tasks related to the mentorship program milestones.

Updating Task Status

To update the status of a task, follow these steps:

  1. Upload a File (if required): If a task requires a file upload, complete the task by uploading the necessary file.

  2. Change Task Status: Use the "Status" dropdown to update the task status to:

    • Pending: Indicate that the task is pending completion.

    • In Progress: Notify the mentorship admin and mentor(s) that you are working on the task.

    • Submitted: Notify the mentorship admin and mentor(s) that you have completed the task by uploading a file.

Task Status Descriptions

Below are the descriptions of the different task statuses:

  • Pending: The task is pending completion.

  • In Progress: You are currently working on the task.

  • Submitted: You have completed the task and uploaded a file to notify the mentorship admin and mentor(s)

  • You can filter tasks by status from the Task Status drop-down.

  • You can sort tasks in ascending or descending order from the Sorting Order dropdown.

Last updated

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