Attendee Insights

The Attendee Insights tab provides a comprehensive overview of employees who participated in various events within your organization. This feature allows you to extract valuable information about your attendees, compare them with other organizations, and gain insights into their demographics, job functions, and more.

The following list provides you the complete details that can be extracted from the Attendee Insights:

  • Attendee widget

  • Bar graph which provides and compares number of attendees from your organization and employees from other organization which has similar number of employees in their organization

  • Graphical representation of attendees across the geography

  • A horizontal bar graph to compare top 10 events attended by your employees with employees from other organizations

  • Bar graph which provides you information on job function of the attendees

  • A word cloud chart that provides information on job level of attendees

  • A bubble chart chart that provides list of attendees from different regions and countries

  • A donut chart that provides information on gender of your attendees

  • List of attendees in your organization

Attendee Widget

The Attendee widget provides you with the total attendees from your organization across various events and total events attended by your employees.

Comparison of Attendees Between Your Organization and Other Organization

This bar graph provides you the list of attendees who have participated in open source events across various months. This graph provides you the comparison of attendees from your organization and attendees from other organization which has similar number of employees for the open source event for a particular month.

You can also customize the graph based on Organization with similar number of employees, organization at the same event sponsorship level and organization with similar industry segment.

Attendees of your Organization across the Globe

The globe graphical representation provides you a pictorial view of attendees from your organization scattered across the globe. If your organization has different locations which are situated across different geographical locations, with the help of this graphic you can view all your attendees who have participated in various open source events from different locations of your organization.

You can view the number of attendees when you hover over the mouse on the different locations as well the different color code provides you with the information on the attendees.

Top 10 Events Participated by your Employees

This horizontal bar graph provides you the list of top 10 open source events versus the employee participation. This graph provides you the comparison of attendees from your organization and attendees from other organization for the open source event.

You can also customize the graph based on Organization with similar number of employees, organization at the same event sponsorship level and organization with similar industry segment.

Attendees by Job Function

This bar graph provides you with the information on various job roles of your attendees who have participated in the open source events. This graph shows you various job roles such as developers, architects, project managers, sales and other roles of the attendees. This graph shows also provides you the insight of job role who are more interested in attending the open source events.

Attendees by Job Level

This world cloud chart provides with the job level hierarchy in your organization. When you hover over on a particular job level, you can see the number of attendees associated with that job level. Some of the job levels are individual role, contributor role, director and many other roles.

Attendees by Geography

This bubble chart provides you information of attendees of events across different countries. Each bubble represents different location of your organization in different country. When you hover over the mouse, you can see the number of attendees from that country.

Attendees by Gender

This donut chart provides you information on the gender of the attendees. When you hover over the mouse, you can see the gender percentage of the attendees. It shows you the percentage of men, women and members who have not defined their gender.

Attendees of your Organization

This table provides you the information on the attendees. The list provides details such as employee name, job title, number of events attended and the events details.

When you click View Details button, you can see a popup box that provides you details such as employee name, event name and the date of event.

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