Foundation Overview

The Foundation Overview page in Insights provides a comprehensive snapshot of your open source foundation, enabling you to gain valuable insights into your projects' performance and growth.

Disclaimer: Not all the foundations need to follow the same maturity level categorization. So, the Foundation Overview page may look different for your foundation.

Analyze the Foundation Dashboard

Header Section

At the top of the page, you will find the header section, which includes the following elements:

1. Foundation Name:

The name of your foundation is displayed prominently at the top of the page, providing clear identification.

2. Project Seach Box

This feature allows you to search for specific projects within your foundation, making finding and accessing project information easy. Select a project and go to the project overview page.

3. Key Metrics

At the top, you will see the following four high-level metrics:

  1. Projects: The metric shows the total projects within the foundation.

  2. Contributors: It shows the total number of contributors among all the projects within the foundation.

  3. Lines of Code: Displays the total lines of code written for all the projects within the foundation.

  4. Organizations: The metric shows the total number of organizations that have contributed to the projects within the foundation.

Using this search box, you can select another foundation or a project.

Last updated

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