Landing Page

The Landing Page provides all the important analytics about your foundations and projects. It is designed to give you a quick overview of your data and help you navigate the tool easily.

This page focuses on the Foundation Cards and the individual Project Cards, which serve as the core navigational elements, presenting the key data metrics.

  1. Select the Projects and the Foundations: The search box at the top of the main menu helps you find a particular project or repository.

Search for a particular project:
  1. To find a particular project, enter its name or relevant keywords into the search box.

  2. As you type, the search functionality provides real-time suggestions based on your input, making it easier to identify the desired project quickly.

  3. Once you find the project you're looking for, click on it to access its dedicated overview page.

  1. Foundation Cards: Foundation Cards are like summary cards that provide key insights into different open source foundations. When you click on one of these cards, you will be redirected to a Foundation Overview dashboard specifically dedicated to that foundation.

When you click on a foundation card that has only one project, you will be redirected to the Project Overview page.

  1. Project Cards: On the main page, you will see the project cards. Each card represents an individual open source project. When you click on a project card, it takes you to a dedicated Overview Page for that project. These cards show you real-time data about each project, such as important numbers and updates.

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