Average Review Time By Pull Request Size
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Insights uses the Average Review Time by Pull Request Time metric to provide insights into the duration it takes for pull requests to be reviewed.
Average Review Time by Pull Request Time refers to the average duration it takes for peers or project maintainers to review pull requests. It measures the time between creating a pull request and receiving thorough review feedback.
The chart consists of 5 bars, each of a different color. Each bar displays the average lead time in hours or days for pull requests based on the size of the request.
We have 5 buckets of Pull Request Sizes. They are:
1-9 lines
10-49 Lines
50-99 Lines
100-499 Lines
500+ Lines
Pull Request Size is computed by Lines "Changed". Lines changed could be lines of code added, deleted, or updated.
The length of the color inside the bar is determined by the average Review time. i.e., the longer it takes, the longer the length of the color inside the bar.
1. Code Quality Assurance
The metric helps you monitor the speed at which pull requests are reviewed, enabling you to:
Minimize the average review time to identify and resolve code issues
Enhance code quality and overall project success
2. Collaboration and Engagement
Prompt review feedback encourages active collaboration among contributors, leading to:
A responsive and interactive process
Faster iteration on code changes when contributors address feedback and incorporate it into their code
3. Project Velocity
Timely code reviews contribute to higher project velocity by:
Providing insights into the responsiveness of the review process and identifying areas for improvement
Ensuring that code changes are integrated swiftly, allowing projects to deliver new features or updates faster