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By default, Bot commit is filtered, and can't be included for Summary dashboard.
Summary provides a high-level metrics about each data source for which the project is configured. Following are activities for quick navigation:
****Technical Metrics:
Following dashboards are displayed under Technical Metrics:
Source Control shows analytic overview of git commits for a selected time range. Default time range is Last 90 Days. You can select a time range to view data for the selected time range.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All takes you to the respective dashboard of Commits > Overview page.
Commits shows the following information:
Lines Of Code Changed represents total number of lines changed—added, updated, and deleted—for a selected time range.
Commits represents total number of commits for a selected time range.
Contributors represents the number of contributors for the project
No Of Sub Projects represents total number of sub projects (added git repositories) under a project.
Repositories represents total number of repositories of the project. This includes the number of repositories of sub projects.
Top 10 Contributors By Commits lists the top ten individuals—that contribute most to the project— by name, total number of lines of codes changed that includes lines of codes added and modified, number and percentage of commits. Click View All to navigate to the Commits > Overview page.
Top 10 Companies By Commits shows a doughnut chart that represents **** top ten companies that contribute most to the project.
Unknown as a company name shows number/percentage of codes submitted by those contributors who are not affiliated with any organization.
Others represents a group that combines all other companies that come after top nine companies that contributes more.
Pull Requests/Changesets shows analytic overview of pull request information of GitHub repositories and/or information about changesets and patchsets per changeset for Gerrit.
Data is not available for a Git data source that is not configured for Insights.
Gerrit shows total number of changesets (both open and closed), number of open changestes, average time in hours to merge changesets, average time in days for first review of changeset, and total number of approved changesets for a selected time range.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All under Gerrit takes you to the respective table/graph/chart of Gerrit Changesets > Overview section.
GitHub shows total number of pull requests (both open and closed), number of open pull requests, average time in hours to merge pull requests, and average time in hours pull requests were open for a selected time range.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All under Gerrit takes you to the respective table/chart/graph of GitHub PR > Overview section.
Top 10 Contributors By PRs (for GitHub) **** or Top 10 Contributors By Changesets (for Gerrit) **** lists the top ten individuals—that contribute most to the project— by name, total number of pull requests or changestes, and percentage of commits out of the total number of commits by the community.
Top 10 Companies By PRs (for GitHub) **** or Top 10 Companies By Changesets (for Gerrit) **** shows a doughnut chart that represents **** top ten companies that contribute most to the project.
Mouse over a color in the doughnut chart to view company name and number of commits made by the company.
Unknown as a company name shows number/percentage of codes submitted by those contributors who are not affiliated with any organization.
Others represents a group that combines all other companies that come after top nine companies that contributes more.
Issue Management shows analytic overview of issue management platforms used by a project, such as Jira, GitHub Issues, and Bugzilla.
Jira shows total number issues that includes both open and closed issues, total number of submitters, number of open issues, average time in days the issues are open, and time in days for which a stacked area chart compares the number of issues and unique contributors per calendar period.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All under Jira takes you to the respective table/chart/graph of Jira > Overview section.
GitHub Issues shows total number issues that includes both open and closed issues, total number of submitters, number of open issues, average time in days the issues are open and average time in days the issues took to be resolved.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All under Github Issues takes you to the respective table/chart/graph of GitHub Issues > Overview section.
Bugzilla shows total number issues that includes both open and closed issues, total number of submitters, number of open issues, total time in days the issues are open, and time in days issues took to be closed.
Clicking Go To Overview and View All under Bugzilla takes you to the respective table/chart/graph of Bugzilla > Overview section.
Top 10 Contributors By Issues Submitted lists the top ten individuals— that contribute most to the project— by name, total number of issues, and percentage of issues out of the total number of issues submitted by the community members.
Top 10 Companies By Issues Submitted shows a doughnut chart that represents top ten companies that contribute most to the project.
Unknown as a company name shows number/percentage of issues submitted by those contributors who are not affiliated with any organization.
Others represents a group that combines all other companies that come after top nine companies that contributes more.
Following an example of Issue Management overview section for a project that uses Jira, GitHub Issues, and Bugzilla to manage issues:
CI/CD **** shows an analytic overview of the number of total builds, jobs, failed builds, job categories, and average build duration in minutes. Clicking Go To Overview and View All under CI/CD takes you to the respective table/chart/graph of Jenkins > Overview and CircleCI > Overview sections respectively.
Top 10 Jobs lists the top ten jobs by name, number, and percentage.
Build Results for Jenkins and Jobs Results for CircleCI shows a doughnut chart that represents total number of builds for all the build results, such as Success, Failure, Unstable, and Aborted. Click a result to exclude the data. Click again to include.
Registry shows total number of median pulls, average stars for images, increase number in pull count, and star counts for DockerHub. Clicking Go To Overview and View All opens the respective table/chart/graph of Docker > Overview section.
Top 10 images By Pull Count lists the top ten pulls by name, number, and percentage.
Top 10 images By Star Count lists the top ten stars by name, number, and percentage.
Mouse over a color in the chart to view company name and number of commits made by the company. Click a company name to exclude company data. Click again to add the company data. Following is an example:
Click a company name to exclude company data. Click again to add the company data. Following is an example:
Mouse over a color in the doughnut chart to view company name and number of commits made by the company. Click a company name to exclude company data. Click again to add the company data. Following is an example: