
Accessing the Activities Dashboard

  1. Select the project from the landing page or from the foundation page.

  2. From the main navigation, select Reports and then click Activities Dashboard.

Select the Date Filter

  1. In the top-right corner, you will find the date filter option.

  2. Select the desired start and end dates for the data you want to analyze.

  3. Click Apply to update the dashboard with the selected date range.

Platform Selection

  1. Find the Platforms drop-down menu.

  2. Choose a data source from the available options (e.g., GitHub or Git).

Total Activities Chart

It shows the total number of all the activities that are performed by contributors for the project. Hover over the data points to view specific activity counts for each date.

Activities Today/This Week/This Month

  1. Explore the Activities Today, Activities This Week, and Activities Organization This Month charts. The Charts are date-filter independent. They show real-time data.

  2. Click View to expand the list on the right side and see the list of activities.

  3. Download the list in CSV format for analysis.

Activities Chart with Daily/Weekly/Monthly Selection

  1. Move to the Activities chart section.

  2. Use the drop-down to select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly data.

  3. Gain insights into the growth of activities over time.

Activities by Platform

  1. Navigate to the Activities by Platform chart.

  2. You will see the overall percentage distribution across the different platforms.

  3. Click > icon to see the detailed distribution of activities on the different platforms.

Activities by Geography

Leaderboard: Activities by Type

  1. Explore the Leaderboard section for activities by type.

  2. Review the types of activities (e.g., code commits, issues) and their corresponding counts.

Last updated

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