Average Wait Time For 1st Review

Insights V3 incorporates the Average Wait Time for First Review metrics to provide insights into the duration it takes for pull requests to receive their first review.

The Average Wait Time for First Review refers to the average time it takes for pull requests to receive their first review after being opened. It measures the time span between the creation of a pull request and when it receives its initial feedback or review.

Analyze the chart

In the vertical bar chart, each bar displays the Average Wait Time for 1st Review with x-Axis showing the date and the y-axis showing "Time in Hours".

The Average Wait Time for a selected time period can be computed by summing up the time it took for the first review for all PRs, divided by the number of pull requests and results displayed in minutes/hours/days.

Each data point on the chart represents the average wait time for the first review during that specific time period.

Why is this metric important?

  • Code Quality and Bug Resolution: Longer wait times may delay the identification and resolution of code issues or bugs, potentially affecting the overall quality of the software.

  • Faster Development Cycle: Reducing the wait time for the first review contributes to a faster development cycle. This allows projects to deliver new features, bug fixes, or improvements promptly, increasing the project's overall efficiency.

  • Collaboration and Iteration: The Average Wait Time for First Review metric directly impacts collaboration and iteration among contributors. Timely feedback on pull requests allows contributors to address issues or make improvements promptly.

Last updated

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