Project Popularity
Project popularity can be measured using various metrics, including project forks and GitHub stars. This guide provides an overview of how to analyze project popularity using these metrics.
Project Forks
A project fork occurs when someone creates a copy of a repository (project) on GitHub.
Forks can be used to create a modified version of the original project or to contribute to the original project by sending pull requests.
GitHub Stars
A GitHub Star is a way for users to show their appreciation for a project by clicking the star button on the project's repository page.
Stars indicate that a user wants to keep track of a project's updates.
Analyzing Project Popularity
To analyze project popularity, follow these steps:
Fork and Star Count: Compare the number of forks and stars a project has over time.
Fork and Star Growth Rate: Calculate the rate at which the number of forks and stars is increasing or decreasing.
Fork and Star Distribution: Analyze the distribution of forks and stars among different contributors or organizations.
Metrics for Project Popularity
The following metrics can be used to show project popularity within a selected period:
Fork Count
Total number of forks a project has received over a specific period.
Star Count
Total number of stars a project has received over a specific period.
Fork Growth Rate
Rate at which the number of forks is increasing or decreasing over a specific period.
Star Growth Rate
Rate at which the number of stars is increasing or decreasing over a specific period.
Fork/Star Ratio
Ratio of forks to stars, indicating the project's popularity and engagement.
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