Key Contacts

The Key Contacts tab is dedicated to displaying and managing who has access to the Organization Dashboard. The Key Contact list provides a list of users from your organization along with their affiliated roles.

The first five affiliated roles are displayed in the Type column and the rest of the affiliated roles can be checked in the edit option of the user profile.

The Key Contacts page also performs the following actions:

  • List of users in list view and group view.

  • Filtering of key contacts

  • Invite a Key Contact

  • Profile view of the key contact

  • Edit access of a key contact

Key Contacts table

The Key Contact table provides you with a list of users from your organization along with their with their affiliated roles. You can view the Key contacts in a list or in a group view. List View provides you the list of users with their affiliated roles and group view provides you with the list of users grouped for a particular project.

You can use the toggle button to display Key contacts in Group View or List View.

Filtering of Key Contacts

Administrator can filter key contacts based on a particular project.

To filter key contacts by project, perform the following steps:

1.Click Filters. Select the required project and click Apply.

Add a Key Contact

Administrator can add a user as key contact to a particular project.

To add a user as a key contact, perform the following steps:

1.Click User menu from the vertical sidebar menu.

2.The User page appears. Select Key Contacts table and click Add Key Contacts button available on the top right of the page.

3.The Add Key Contact dialog box appears. Enter the User email, select the Active Project Membership, select the Contact Type and you can make the contact as Primary by selecting the Set as Primary.

  • The available roles are listed in the Contact Type list and if there are no roles or seats available for a particular role, it will not appear in the Contact Type list.

  • If a contact is already assigned with a Primary contact role and when you select Set as Primary for the new contact, it will override existing Primary Contact.

4.Click Add Contact to add user as Key Contact. An invitation link will be shared with the recipient. The user should update the details from the invitation that has been shared.

  • If a user has not provided first name, last name and title. Such a user is displayed with Email under the Name Column. If the user has LF ID, then the user name is displayed. You can also re invite mail to the user by clicking the mail icon.

  • In Contact Type, if the domain alias is not matching, you need to raise a customer supper ticket by contacting the customer Support team.

Profile View of a Key Contact

You can view the details related to a key contact by viewing their profile. Profile View provides the following details related to the user:

  • Name of the key contact

  • Activities associated with the key contact such as Technical, Events and Trainings

  • Project name for which key contact is associated with

  • List of repositories for which the key contact is a maintainer

To view the profile of a key contact, perform the following steps:

1.Click the Name.

2.The Profile dialog box appears with all the details.

Edit Key Contact

Edit Key Contact allows you to either remove the user or reassign with another user.

To edit a key contact, perform the following steps:

1.Click the edit icon associated with a key contact.

2.The Edit User dialog box appears. You can see a table with the list of projects the user is associated with. The following points are important while edit a user:

  • You can reassign the project to yourself or any other user.

  • You can either remove the user by clicking the cross mark.

  • You cannot remove the user who is the primary contact for the project. You need to reassign it to any other user.

  • If a user is associated with the committees, you need to raise a Customer Support ticket to delete a user.

3.After reassigning of the user, click Save Changes.

When you update a user, there are two actions will be performed. A Happy Path where the user is updated or Error path where the user is not updated for some back end reasons. You can retry updating it again. If you face issues again, you need to raise a Customer Support ticket.

For users listed under Key Contacts, you have the ability to remove their affiliation if they don't have access to the Organization Dashboard (They only appear with "User Access"). To do this, click the Delete User. The procedure is identical to the one outlined in the "User Access (Delete User)" section

Last updated

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