Google Groups

The Google Groups dashboard is available from the Mailing List drop-down list, and represents a set of metrics that shows information about the google groups communication channel. Following are the various dashboards of Google Groups:


Filter lets you filter the dashboard data by group name, origin google groups channel, and project name. Select values from the drop down lists, and click Apply Changes.

Summary shows total number of emails received across all monitored groups, total number of email senders to all monitored groups, the number of monitored groups in this project, and the count of the total number of topics across all monitored groups.

Emails Per Month shows a line graph that displays the gradual increase or decrease in the total number emails shared per month. Mouse over a point in the graph to view details.

Active Monthly Participants shows a line graph that displays the gradual increase or decrease in the total number participants that communicated over time. Mouse over a point in the graph to view details.

Emails Per Timezone shows a line graph that displays the gradual increase or decrease in the total number emails shared for the project over time. Mouse over a point in the graph to view details.

Top 5 Most Active Orgs By Emails Sent shows top 5 organizations that participate in communication, and line graphs that displays gradual increase or decrease in the number of emails sent by the organizations over time. Mouse over a point in the graph to view details.

Top 10 Orgs By Email Sent shows a doughnut chart that displays the top 10 organizations that sent maximum number emails in the channels. It also shows the percentage of emails received for monitored groups by the organizations.

Groups shows a table that lists name and URL of the groups where maximum number of communications are happening along with how many emails sent in the group, and total number of participants and organizations that participated in the conversations.

Active Participants shows a table that lists name of the persons who sent emails along with how many emails the participant sent, and in how many groups the email is shared.


Filter lets you filter the dashboard data by group name, origin google groups channel name, and project name. Select values from the drop down lists, and click Apply Changes.

Topics Trend Per Week displays a line graph that shows the gradual increase or decrease in the number of topics discussed per week for monitored groups over time. Mouse over a point in the graph to view details.

Activity Per Topic shows a table that lists top 10 most active topics, related google group names, and number of emails shared along with number of participants per topic.

Top 10 Active Topics shows a doughnut chart that displays top 10 active topics on which maximum communication is happening along with the number and percentage of discussions per topic for monitored groups. Mouse over a color in the chart to view details.

Last updated

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