Membership Details of a Project
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The Membership tab provides you the membership details related to the selected foundation or project. If your organization has availed any membership for the selected project, the membership details are displayed. The membership details page provides you the following details:
Membership widget
Benefits of events
Benefits of marketing
Benefits of governance
Other benefits
Training benefits
List of other companies that have availed the membership for the selected project
If the company has availed the membership of the project, the membership page appears as shown in the following image.
If the company does not have any membership for the project, the membership page appears as shown in the following image.
The Membership widget is not displayed, instead the membership categories available to purchase is shown. You can click Become a Member to purchase the membership.
The membership widget provides you the following details related to the membership benefits:
Percentage of benefits available for events
Percentage of benefits available for marketing
Percentage of benefits available for governance
Percentage of other benefits available
Percentage of benefits available for training
This list provides with name of companies that are associated with the project by availing the membership. You can see the names of all companies that have purchased the membership for the project.