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Linux Foundation organizes various open source events across the year to benefit various open source projects. These events will help to build and sustain the open source communities.
Open source events will help to exchange ideas, share knowledge with the community, learn from the open source peers, collaborate, design and develop new open source ideas, resolve and troubleshoot security challenges with various hackathon programs. You can checkout all the events organized and hosted by Linux Foundation at Linux Foundation Events.
Organizations can register and enroll into various events hosted by Linux Foundation. Organizations can also support to the open source programs by sponsoring various events that helps to bring open source community together to analyze and resolves various challenges posed to the open source community.
Organization dashboard assists you to manage events related to your organization. Events tab provides you with all information related to the open source events and contributions of your organization in developing the open source project.
The events tab provides you the information on the following:
Events widget
Events engagement
Events attended by your organization
Total number of attendees for open source events from your organization
Top 5 events which had highest number of speakers
Top 5 speakers of the events
A widget is available in the Events tab which provides you with an overview of events for the open source projects. This widget provides you the following details:
Total number of events sponsored from your organization for the open source events.
Total number of speakers from your organization for the open source events.
Total number of employees attended from your organization for open source events.
The data provided in this widget is based on last 12 months or last year.
Events Engagement under Events tab assists you to manage all activities and information related to the open source events. Events Management provides various table and graphs that assists you to gather the events KPI's as required. Event Management provides the following information:
Top 5 events attended by your organization based on number of attendees.
Total number of attendees for open source events from your organization.
Top 5 events which had highest number of speakers.
Top 5 speakers of the events.
This table provides information on the top 5 events attended by your organization based on the number of attendees. The events are listed based on the highest number of attendees for the open source events. This table provides you the following details:
Event name.
Total number of attendees from your organization participated in the open source events.
A link to view details of attendees.
When you click View Details button, you can see a popup box that provides you details such as event name, attendee name and job title of the attendee.
This bar graph provides you with information on total attendees from your organization who had attended the open source events from your organization for the last one year. This graph provides you information on month wise total number attendees who have attended open source events.
When you click View Attendees Insights button, the Events Insights page appears that provides you complete insights on the attendees insights for the events. For more information refer Events Insights.
This table provides information on top 5 events which has most number of speakers from your organization. The top 5 events are listed based on the highest number of speakers for the open source events. This table provides you the following details:
Event name
Total number of speakers from your organization participated in the open source events
A link to view details of speakers
When you click View Details button, you can see a popup box that provides you details such as event name, speaker name and job title of the speaker.
This table provides information on top 5 speakers who have attended highest number of events from your organization and participated in various knowledge sharing sessions. This table provides you the following details:
Speaker name
Total number of events participated from the speaker in the open source events
A link to view event details
When you click View Speaker Insights button, the Events Insights page appears that provides you complete insights on the speaker insights for the events. For more information, refer Speaker Insights.
When you click View Events button, you can see a popup box that provides you details such as speaker name, speaker email and event names participated by the speaker.