Contributor Strength

A Contributor Strength dashboard provides a statistical analysis of all the contributors who are actively involved in the Linux Foundation to support one or many open source projects hosted by the Linux Foundation.

For more information about contributors, see People Analytics.

It also shows a line chart that displays the periodic growth or decline in the total number of contributors for the selected time period, across Linux Foundation and project memberships. Hover over the graph points to view the total number of active contributors for a particular time period.

For the current release, GitHub and Git are the two data sources used to calculate contributors across all monitored repositories during the selected time period.

The analysis is done based on the following parameters:

  • Contributor ID data is based on the user ID, identity ID and email ID.

  • User roles such as author , co-author, reviewer, signer, etc.

  • Project IDs and subproject IDs are selected from the repositories.

Annotation block:

This is a block at a fixed position on the chart that shows the 'Total Contributors' across all LF and project memberships. The % change value is defined as an increase or a decrease in the total contributors compared to the previous period.

For more information, see Technical Contributors.

Last updated

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