
The dashboard shows the total number of commits made across all monitored repositories during the selected time period. Commit contributors can author and co-author a commit that is visible on GitHub.

For the current release, GitHub and Git are the two data sources used to calculate contributors across all monitored repositories during the selected time period.

This metric shows:

  • A line graph that displays a period increase or decrease in the number of commits made by all unique contributors, across all projects, during the selected time range.

  • The annotation block shows the total number of commits and the percent change as compared from start to end time of the selected time period.

What is Commits?

A commit is an operation that sends the latest changes to the source code to the repository, making these changes part of the head revision of the repository.

Commits include the following:

  • Commits Authored: These are the number of commits where the author of the commit is the selected user. The number is a hyperlink and on click opens a modal that shows the LOC ++ (added) and LOC --(deleted).

  • Commits Co-Authored: These are the number of commits where the user has been a co-author.

Last updated

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