Main License and Sublicense

Main License

By default when a Panorama account is created, a Main license is assigned with the Panorama account. The Main license will have access to all the content that is available and granted to the Panorama account.


Sublicense allows you to create a hierarchy of licenses under the main license. Sublicense provides you with the option to create different licenses for different units or departments in the same organization. Each Sublicense can be assigned specific content, out of all content in the Main license. Learners or users can be associated with the required Sublicense, so that they only have access to the required content. This allows you to have a control over the content as well as provides you with a better option of checking the progress of the organization.

Some of the benefits of creating sublicenses are:

  • Providing the right content to the right audience

  • Reporting segmentation

  • Better organization and structure

  • Access expiration

For more information on sublicense, Click TI Knowledge Center.

How to Create Sublicense

This section provides with the information on how you can create a sublicense under Main license.

To create a sublicense, perform the following steps:

1.From the dashboard, hover over the left side bar menu and click Panorama.

2. The Panorama page appears with list of Panorama account. Click Actions and then click Edit.

3. The selected Panorama Client appears. Click Sublicenses from the left bar menu.

4. The Sublicenses page appears. Click Add Sublicense.

5. The NEW SUBLICENSE page appears. You need to enter the following details as mentioned in the below table:

6.Click Save after providing all the details as explained in the above table.

The new Sublicense is created.

For more information on how to create a sublicense, click TI Knowledge Center.

Last updated