Conglomerate Organizations Reports
Enhanced Organization Dashboard with Parent-Child Feature
Last updated
Enhanced Organization Dashboard with Parent-Child Feature
Last updated
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We are excited to announce the release of the first version of the parent-child feature in the LFX Organization Dashboard.
This new functionality enables seamless collaboration and visibility across parent, child, and sibling companies, revolutionizing teamwork.
The feature works for organizations that are either members or existing types as customer of LFX.
Cross-Company Visibility: Users at parent, child, or sibling companies can now view the Organization Dashboard of all other related companies, fostering a unified understanding of project progress and performance.
Rollup View: A limited rollup view is available, providing an overview of key metrics, including:
Home: High-level insights into project health and activity.
Memberships: A summary of team members and their roles.
Code Contributions: An overview of code commits and contributions.
This guide walks you through navigating a conglomerate organization's platform to access key information, such as membership details, project contributions, and key contacts
To experience the new parent-child feature and roll-up view, log in to your LFX Organization Dashboard and explore the enhanced functionality.
All the users have only view access for this section.
Access membership information
Click to check the membership for each individual organization organization
You can only view the pages but you cannot edit.
Access project contribution information
Access membership information
Access key contacts information
Access information related to Shara Kumaran
Navigate to the next step
Navigate to the next step
Navigate to the next step
This guide covered accessing a conglomerate organization's platform, including viewing parent and subsidiary organization engagements, membership information, project contributions, and key contacts.
We are committed to continually improving the Organization Dashboard. Upcoming releases will include additional features, such as:
Events: Real-time updates on project milestones and deadlines.
Training: Access to training resources and certifications.
Users: A comprehensive list of team members, including roles and permissions.
Profile: Personalized dashboards for users, providing tailored insights and analytics.
The parent-child feature and roll-up view offer numerous benefits, including:
Improved collaboration and communication across teams.
Enhanced visibility into project progress and performance.
Increased efficiency through streamlined access to key metrics and resources.