Training Insights

Training Insights Tab

The Training Insights tab provides a detailed overview of the training programs enrolled by your employees. This feature enables you to extract valuable information about popular training programs, comparisons with other organizations, and more.

You can analyze the following metrics on this dashboard:

Training Metrics

  • Total Unique Training Enrollments: Displays the total number of unique training enrollments in your organization.

  • Total Enrollments: This shows the total number of enrollments across all training programs.

Comparison with Other Organizations

  • Top 10 Courses Enrolled: A horizontal bar graph comparing the top 10 courses enrolled by your organization as compared to other organizations.

  • Using the drop-down, you can analyze the chart with the organization that has a similar number of employees and the organization that is in a similar industry segment.

  • Hover over the chart to see the data for the particular course.

Popular Training Programs

  • Popular Training: A list of popular training programs in your organization, providing insights into the most sought-after training programs.

Trained Employee

  • Trained Employees: A list of employees who have completed training programs in your organization.

  • When you click on View Details button, you can see the list of the training in which the employee is enrolled.

  • Click on the name to get the profile snapshot.

Trained Employees by Geography

A graphical representation of trained employees across different geographies, providing insights into the distribution of trained employees.

Individual vs Organization Enrollments

The Individual vs Organization Enrollments metric provides a comparison of individual and organization-level training enrollments over a selected time period.

The chart displays the number of training seats on the X-axis and the selected period on the Y-axis. The vertical bar chart allows you to compare the number of individual and organization enrollments across different periods.


The chart displays the total number of training enrollments on the Y-axis and the selected time period on the X-axis. The line chart allows you to easily compare the number of enrollments between your organization and other organizations over time.

What to Expect

By using the Training Insights tab, you can:

  • Gain insights into popular training programs in your organization

  • Compare your training programs with other organizations

  • Identify trained employees and their geographical distribution

  • Make informed decisions about training programs and employee development

Last updated

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