Setting up a Domain for a Project

Setting up a Domain for a Project

A domain name provides a unique identity for your project. You can set up a unique domain name that will allow you to have a administrative autonomy as well as control within the internet world.

To setup a domain for the project, perform the following steps:

2. Search for the required project. The Project dashboard appears. Click Domains from the IT SERVICES STATUS tab.

You can also navigate to Domains from the Vertical Sidebar navigation menu. Click IT Services and then select Domains.

2.The Domains page appears. Click + Add Domain to add a domain for your project.

You cannot change the primary domain for the project, if you want to change the primary domain, you need to raise a support ticket.

You can update the domains details by click of the edit icon.

3.The Add Domain dialog box appears. Enter the Domain Name and click the Check Availability button.

4.The domain will be searched and checked against the following points:

  • The domain is already owned by the project that's being setup

  • The domain is already owned but by another project (when the project name unknown)

  • The domain is already owned but by another known project.

5.If the domain name is available, a green tick mark is displayed next to the Domain Name. Click the Register Domain button to register the domain. Refer Register Domain for more details.

6.If the domain is already taken by an another project, you have the option to bid for that domain. Refer Bid Domain for more details.

You should have the domain setup for a project in order to setup other IT Services such as Mailing List, Wiki, Issue Tracking, and Email Forwarding services.

You can setup a primary domain for a project within the available and registered domains for a project.

To setup a primary domain for a project, perform the following:

1.Go to the Domains page for the required project. The domain page appears with the list of domains registered with the project.

2.Place the cursor in the Search Domain box, select the required domain and click the Set As Primary Domain button.

3.The domain will be selected and listed as Primary Domain.

You can redirect a domain from one domain to another. Redirects are a way to forward visitors and search engines to a different URL than the one they requested. You can use redirects when you’re moving content around and you want the content to retain its value.

To redirect a domain from one domain to another domain, perform the following:

1.Go to the Domains page for the required project. The domain page appears with the list of domains registered with the project.

2.Click icon available under Manage pane.

3.The Edit Domain dialog box appears. Click Redirects, enter the redirect domain under To box and click Add.

4.The redirected domain is listed under Existing Redirects list.

If you want to update the redirect domain, click the edit icon.

If you want to delete the redirect domain, click the delete icon.

You can add service record such as Pantheon, Netlify and GitHub pages for your domain.

To setup service record, perform the following steps:

1.Go to the Domains page for the required project. The domain page appears with the list of domains registered with the project.

2.Click icon available under Manage pane.

3.The Edit Domain dialog box appears. Click Services, select the required Service from the list and click Add.

4.The service records are listed under Existing Service Records list.

Last updated