This information applies to ICA, JSNAD & JSNSD

The workstation is Ubuntu 20.04 based and configured with all the tools and software needed to complete the tasks. This includes:

  • kubectl and Bash autocompletion

  • istioctl fort debug and diagnose Istio mesh.

  • jq for YAML/JSON processing

  • tmux for terminal multiplexing

  • curl and wget for testing web services

  • man and man pages for further documentation

  • VS Code and vim for code editing

  • The desktop terminal provided by the exam environment is GNOME terminal, but you may also use the VS Code terminal

Guidelines and Tips for Use of the Remote Desktop

  • Each task on this exam must be completed on a designated cluster/configuration context.

  • Each task includes the required information for the cluster name/context to use.

  • You can switch the cluster/configuration context using a command such as: config use-context <cluster/context name>

  • You can use kubectl and the appropriate context to work on any cluster from the base node.

  • Clicking “Start Assessment” (in the top right-hand corner of the Assessment Introduction page) will launch the exam

  • Candidates can navigate between exam tasks by clicking on the “Previous” or “Continue/Next Task” button.

  • Candidates can skip an exam task using the “Skip” button, and return to it later, by navigating to any task in the left column.

  • The Terminal (Terminal Emulator Application) is a Linux Terminal; to copy & paste within the Linux Terminal you need to use LINUX keyboard shortcuts:

    Copy = Ctrl+SHIFT+C (inside the terminal) Paste = Ctrl+SHIFT+V (inside the terminal) OR Use the Right Click Context Menu and select Copy or Paste

  • Candidates can click on “Assessment Review” to identify tasks that have been: Completed Not Viewed Skipped

  • Once all the tasks have been completed and you are ready to end the exam, select "Complete Assessment” from Assessment Review page.

Last updated