My Portal
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Candidates can access My Portal at any time by going to or by clicking on the My Portal Menu item from
Candidate can login into My Portal when they have the LF account. For details on how to create an LF account, please refer to Creating LF Account.
Candidates can use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft browsers to access My Portal.
When a new browser version is released, we support the latest version and we stop supporting the third most recent version of such browser.
Once a candidate has logged into My Portal, they will be able to view the status of their Exams and their courses.
The main page of the Portal also includes a link to:
View your purchase history (for orders completed after June 20, 2020) The purchase history section reflects only paid transactions. Products which are $0 or paid for using 100% prepaid codes are not displayed here
View your exam results
Update your account information (e.g. Credit Card on file)
Manage your profile
Unused Exam Registrations (eligibilities) or Exams and Courses in progress, will be shown in the "In Progress" tab of the Portal. If this is your first visit to "My Portal" the "Start Certification" button will be displayed beside your Certification Exam name, after that, the button will display "Resume" (as shown above).
Click on the button displayed to get to your exam checklist.