Candidate Requirements
Linux Foundation Exams are delivered online and are closely monitored by an automated proctoring system during the exam session.
System Requirements
Please review the LF Proctoring System Requirements to ensure your machine can support our online exams.
Ensure the webcam is capable of being moved as you will have to pan your surroundings to check for potential violations of exam policy.
If you will be testing from an employer-provide ISP or will use an employer provided machine, please ensure that streaming will be allowed using WebRTC.
Candidates are not allowed to have other applications or browser windows running except the one on which the Exam is being shown.
Please check to make sure it is working before you start your exam session.
One active monitor (either built in or external) (NOTE: Dual Monitors are NOT supported).
Reliable internet access
Ensure others on the same internet connection are not performing activities that use excessive bandwidth (i.e. holding conference calls, streaming content, gaming, etc.)
A wired connection is often more stable and robust than a wireless connection
Turn off bandwidth-intensive services (e.g. file sync, dropbox, BitTorrent)
Candidates are not allowed to have other applications or browser windows running except the one on which the Exam is being shown.
Important Information to Consider:
Please disable firewalls or use a computer without a corporate firewall.
We strongly advise test takers to avoid using work-provided devices for their exams, as this practice can result in technical challenges. Although it is sometimes possible to initiate and access the exam on such devices, work devices often come with security features and work-related applications that can disrupt the exam software, causing technical complications.
To ensure a smooth exam experience, we recommend using personal devices without stringent security features, and on which you have the privileges needed to install applications and to end system process' and services.
You cannot take an exam using a virtual machine even though the compatibility check may not display any issues
If possible, stop any antivirus software from running, and antivirus scanning during the exam time.
If you are using a laptop, make sure that it's plugged into a power socket, so that the battery does not run out during the exam.
LF Account
Candidate should have their own LF account. For more details on how to create LF account, please refer to Creating LF Account.
Testing Environment Requirements
Below are the expectations for an acceptable testing location::
Clutter-free work area
No objects such as paper, writing implements, electronic devices, or other objects on top of surface
No objects such as paper, trash bins, or other objects below the testing surface
Clear walls
No paper/print outs hanging on walls
Paintings and other wall décor is acceptable
Candidates will be asked to remove non-décor items prior to the exam being released
Space must be well lit so that proctor is able to see candidate’s face, hands, and surrounding work area
No bright lights or windows behind the candidate
Candidate must remain within the camera frame during the examination
Space must be private where there is no excessive noise. Public spaces such as coffee shops, stores, open office environments, etc. are not allowed.
Certification and Confidentiality Agreement
Candidates must accept the terms and conditions of the Linux Foundation Global Certification and Confidentiality Agreement during the registration process and again prior to testing.
The agreement is located at
This is a legally-binding agreement that applies to all exams. Acceptance and adherence to this agreement is required in order to be exposed to the exam and to be officially certified. Failure to accept the terms of this agreement will result in a terminated exam and forfeiture of the entire exam fee.
Last updated
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