Important Instructions: ICA

Exam Details

  • The exam is delivered online and consists of Performance based & multiple choice questions.

  • Candidates have 2hrs to complete the ICA exam.

  • The exam is proctored remotely via streaming audio, video, and screen sharing feeds.

  • Results will be emailed 24 hours from the time that the exam is completed.

System Requirements to take the exam

Candidates should run the PSI Online Proctoring System Check to verify that their machine meets the technical requirements for taking a proctored exam.

The online proctored exam is taken on PSI's proctoring platform "Bridge", using the PSI Secure Browser (a web browser created to guarantee a secure exam delivery over a virtual connection).

PSI Secure Browser Download is made available to candidates at Exam Launch Time.

Candidates should review the Bridge FAQ Information, published by PSI, to prepare for the Secure Browser installation and be aware of how to resolve issues with the Installation/download or launch of their exam:

PSI Secure Browser FAQ (General) PSI Secure Browser - Linux OS Troubleshooting

Candidates must provide their own computer with:

  • Supported OS: Please review the System Requirements, published by PSI, in particular the supported Operating System Information.

  • All browsers are supported, however PSI highly recommends using the latest version of Google Chrome for the best exam scheduling experience, and because the secure browser is Chrome-based and will give a more accurate experience.

  • One active monitor (either built in or external) (NOTE: Dual Monitors are NOT supported)

  • Reliable internet access

    • Ensure others on the same internet connection are not performing activities that use excessive bandwidth (i.e. holding conference calls, streaming content, gaming, etc.)

    • A wired connection is often more stable and robust than a wireless connection

    • Turn off bandwidth-intensive services (e.g. file sync, dropbox, BitTorrent)

  • Microphone

    • Mac users may need to allow the PSI Secure Browser within their 'System Preferences: Security & Privacy: Privacy' settings for Microphone, Camera, Automation and Input Monitoring.

    • Please check to make sure it is working before you start your exam session.

  • Webcam

    • Ensure the webcam is capable of being moved as you will have to pan your surroundings to check for potential violations of exam policy.

    • Mac users may need to allow the PSI Secure Browser within their 'System Preferences: Security & Privacy: Privacy' settings for Microphone, Camera, Automation and Input Monitoring.

    • If you will be testing from an employer-provide ISP or will use an employer provided machine, please ensure that streaming will be allowed using WebRTC.

Candidates are not allowed to have other applications or browser windows running except the one on which the Exam is being shown.

Please review the PSI Bridge Platform: System Requirements to ensure your machine will meet the requirements of our online proctor.

Important Information to Consider:

  • Please disable firewalls or use a computer without a corporate firewall. Firewalls may interfere with installing the secure browser needed to take the test.

  • You should use a computer on which you have the privileges needed to install applications AND end system process' and services.

  • You cannot take an exam using a virtual machine even though the compatibility check may not display any issues

  • If possible, stop any antivirus software from running, and antivirus scanning during the exam time.

  • If you are using a laptop, make sure that it's plugged into a power socket, so that the battery does not run out during the exam.

Acceptable Testing Location

Below are the expectations for an acceptable testing location::

  • Clutter-free work area

    • No objects such as paper, writing implements, electronic devices, or other objects on top of surface

    • No objects such as paper, trash bins, or other objects below the testing surface

  • Clear walls

    • No paper/print outs hanging on walls

    • Paintings and other wall décor is acceptable

    • Candidates will be asked to remove non-décor items prior to the exam being released

  • Lighting

    • Space must be well lit so that proctor is able to see candidate’s face, hands, and surrounding work area

    • No bright lights or windows behind the examinee

  • Other

    • Candidate must remain within the camera frame during the examination

    • Space must be private where there is no excessive noise. Public spaces such as coffee shops, stores, open office environments, etc. are not allowed.

ID Requirements to take the Exam

Candidates need to provide identification (ID) that meets the requirements outlined below:

  • All IDs must be a valid (unexpired) Government-issued original, physical document (not photocopied or electronic)

  • IDs must include the candidate's name, photo, and signature*

    • *Government-issued biometric IDs that do not contain signature will be accepted

  • The first and last name on the ID must exactly match the verified name entered on your exam checklist

  • Acceptable forms of ID:

    • International travel passport

    • Government-issued driver’s license/permit

    • Government-Issued local language ID (with photo and signature)

    • National identity card State or province-issued identity card

    • Alien registration card (green card or permanent resident/visa)

    • 住民基本台帳 (Basic Resident Register with photo) or マイナンバーカード(My Number Card)

  • Minors, between the age of 16-18, are permitted to take an online proctored exam with PSI, provided they complete the following requirements:

    • A Parent/Guardian must complete the Parental Release for Testing of Minors form, and submit it to, at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date of the exam

    • At check in, the minor candidate must present a valid student ID as a form of identification

    • During the PSI check-in process, the candidate's guardian must also present a valid ID and must provide verbal consent during the PSI check-in process.

Sanctioned Countries

Exams may be administered to citizens of a sanctioned country listed below PROVIDED the citizens are tested OUTSIDE the sanctioned country and their exam registration and current ID show an address OUTSIDE the sanctioned country.

  • Cuba

  • Iran

  • Syria

  • North Korea

  • Crimea Region of Ukraine

Resources allowed during exam

Please refer to our published information: Istio Certified Associate Resources Allowed

ICA Exam Environment

  • A dedicated environment is provisioned for each exam session which includes a workstation running Ubuntu (using Gnome Environment)

  • The desktop terminal provided by the exam environment is GNOME terminal, but you may also use the VS Code terminal

  • Each task on this exam must be completed on a designated cluster/configuration context.

  • Each task includes the required information for the cluster name/context to use.

  • You can switch the cluster/configuration context using a command such as: config use-context <cluster/context name>

  • You can use kubectl and the appropriate context to work on any cluster from the base node.

  • For your convenience the workstation you will be using has the following additional command-line tools pre-installed and pre-configured:

    • kubectl and Bash autocompletion

    • istioctl fort debug and diagnose Istio mesh.

    • jq for YAML/JSON processing

    • tmux for terminal multiplexing

    • curl and wget for testing web services

    • man and man pages for further documentation

    • VS Code and vim for code editing.

  • Once all the exam taskss have been completed and you are ready to end the exam, click on the "Assessment Review" menu option, and select "Complete Assessment".

  • The ICA environment is currently running Istio 1.18.2.

International Keyboards

Some keys on international keyboards may not function as expected. Please note the following:

  • To access keys modified by using the ALT key, use the ALT key located on the right side of your keyboard.

  • The ALT or ALT GR key located on the left side of your keyboard will not function as a modifier key.

  • An on-screen virtual keyboard is provided for any special characters that may be needed. To access the on-screen keyboard, double-click the “Virtual Keyboard” Icon on the remote desktop.

Taking the Exam

We recommend that candidates review the Take Exam section of our Candidate handbook, to become familiar with the PSI Secure Browser Download and Installation steps, and the candidate's Self Check-In Process.

Additional Resources

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the Candidate Handbook or FAQ, please login to to submit a customer support request.

Last updated

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