Certificates and Certification

Certified Candidates (“Certificants”) receive a Certificate ID number and a certificate indicating the successful completion of the requirements necessary to achieve the title indicated on their certificate.

Certifications expire 24 months from the date that a certificant successfully passes their certification exam, unless revoked earlier for cause or certificant successfully completes certification renewal requirements.

The primary method for confirming the status of a certification is to use The Linux Foundation’s Certification Verification Tool.


The Linux Foundation Exam Certificates lists the following information:

  • Name of the Candidate who obtained the certificate

  • Title of Certification (e.g. Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator)

  • Certificate ID number

  • Achievement Date (i.e. date Exam was passed

Certification Expiration

Certifications expire 24 months from the date that the Program Certification requirements are met by a candidate.

Certification Renewal Requirements

Certification Renewal requirements must be completed prior to the expiration of the Certification.

Candidates may keep their Certification valid by retaking and passing the same exam, prior to the expiration of their certification. The Certification will become valid for 2 years starting on the date the exam is retaken and passed.

Last updated

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