Popular Threads

This ranking showcases the top messages based on the number of responses generated by these messages. It highlights the most engaging and widely discussed topics within the mailing lists for the selected period.

Analyze the Leaderboard

Step-by-Step guide to analyze the Leaderboard

  1. On the Overview page, select the project and repositories (1) for which you want to see the data.

  2. From the left navigation, click Mailing List.

  3. Select the specific period using the filter option (2).

  4. Scroll down the main webpage where the leaderboard is hosted.

  5. The leaderboard shows the rankings based on the number of messages. Look through the list to see which messages or topics are most engaging.

  6. The leaderboard includes a feature to compare the increase or decrease of messages over a selected period.

  7. Click Show More to expand the list.

Last updated

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