LOC Added and LOC Deleted

LOC Added

The dashboard displays a bar that shows a periodic increase or decrease in the number of lines of code added across all unique commits during the selected time period.

Line-of-code data is obtained from the GitHub repositories, where you can see a list of all the contributors to the repositories and how many lines they have added and removed.

For the current release, GitHub and Git are the two data sources used to calculate commits and pull requests. GitHub is the data source to calculate LOCs.

The annotation block displays:

  • The average number of lines of code added across all unique commits (calculated based on a unique ID (which is "SHA" or "hash") that allows you to keep a record of the specific changes committed along with when and who made those changes.

  • The rate of change (in percentage) in the number of LOC added from the previous time period to the current (selected) time period.

LOC Deleted

The dashboard displays a bar that shows a periodic increase or decrease in the number of lines of code deleted across all unique commits during the selected time period.

  • The average number of lines of code deleted across all unique commits (calculated based on a unique ID (which is "SHA" or "hash") that allows you to keep a record of the specific changes committed along with when and who made those changes.

  • The rate of change (in percentage) in the number of LOC deleted from the previous time period to the current (selected) time period.

Last updated

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