
Community Administrators

A community administrator is a person who has a view of all the people in their community and their activities. The main purpose of the community manager is to drive engagement with their project and within their community.

Active Contributor

A contributor is someone who is actively contributing to the code activities during a given time period.

Total Contributors

The count of the total number of code contributors aggregated since the start of the project.

Active Organization

A organization which is affiliated to an active contributor is referred to Active Organization. If a contributor has multiple organization affiliations, each organization will qualify as a contributing organization.

New Member

A new member is defined as those organizations that purchased LF membership and have the status as 'Active' for the first time during the selected time period. A renewal is not considered a net new member. For example, an organization can be a new member for a project named CNCF but not necessarily the same organization is a new member of the Linux Foundation as well if it already has Hyperledger membership within the Linux Foundation community.

New Contributors

The contributors who contributed code for the first time during the selected time period.

Drifting Away Contributors

The individuals who have not contributed in the last 6 months from each point in the graph but were active at some point before.

Affiliated Contributors

The count of the total number of contributors who are affiliated to some organization.

Unaffiliated Contributors

The count of the total number of contributors whose organization affiliation in Unknown.

Independent Contributors

The count of the total number of contributors who have identified themselves as Independent contributors with no organizations affiliations.

Active Maintainers:

The count of the total number of maintainers actively contributing code over the select time period. A maintainer is defined as a contributor who is either merging PRs or having write access on repositories.

Last updated

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