Prerequisite: You must have an LF SSO account. If you don't have an LF SSO account, you must create one.
A CLA Manager (or someone who will become an initial CLA Manager after a CCLA is signed) must sign in to the corporate console in order to coordinate the CCLA signing process and to perform other activities.
Enter your credentials and click SIGN IN.
After signing in, the EasyCLA Corporate Console appears and shows projects for which EasyCLA is enabled.
As a CLA Manager for a project, you can:
Note: The new CLA Manager must have an LF SSO account to be added as a CLA Manager. If they do not yet have one, they must create one before you add them as a CLA Manager.
Sign in to the EasyCLA Corporate Console.
Navigate to the project for which you want to add a CLA Manager.
Navigate to CLA Managers For My Organization section, and click + Add CLA Manager.
4. On the Adding CLA Manager window, type first name, last name, email address, and click Add.
Important: A company that has signed a CCLA will always have at least one CLA Manager for that project, and you cannot delete the CLA manager if there is only one CLA manager.
After a company signs a CCLA, the company's CLA Managers can approve their company's employees to contribute by adding them to their Approved List for that project. Approved Lists are lists of domain names, email addresses of individuals, GitHub usernames, GitHub organization names, that allow contributors to be authorized to contribute under the signed CCLA.
Note: CLA Managers may receive an email after a contributor sends a request to be added to the Approved list. To approve them, the CLA Manager must add their email address or GitHub username to the approved list.
As a CLA manager for a project, you can:
Note: Before doing any of the following actions, you must first be a CLA Manager under a signed CCLA. If your company has not yet signed a CCLA, you will need to first coordinate the CCLA signing process.
Sign in to the EasyCLA Corporate Console.
Click a project of interest.
Click + Add Approval Criteria under Approved List Of Contributions From My Organization.
4. On the Add Approval Criteria window, select an option from the drop-down list, and provide details in the field next to it.
Email Address Domain allows contribution from anyone with an email address with that domain name.
Contributor's Gerrit/GitHub Email address allows contribution from the person with that email address.
GitHub Organization allows contribution from anyone in that GitHub organization.
GitHub Username allows contribution from the contributor with that GitHub username.
GitLab Group URL allows contribution from anyone associated with the GitLab Group.
GitLab Username allows contribution from the contributor with that GitLab username.
5. Click +Add More to add other details for more contributors.
6. Click Save to save the approval criteria settings.
Note: If you add a contributor to the approved list after you receive an email requesting authorization, inform them to acknowledge company contribution before they contribute to the project.
Note: If you delete a contributor's details or an approval criteria, then the status of signature for the contributor, who signed a CLA under a CLA group with that criteria, will be displayed as "Disabled" under Signatory tab of the CLA group on project console. For details about the statuses see, Signatures. Only Project Managers and Community Program managers can access project console (also called Project Control Center).
Before a CCLA is signed, there is not yet an official "CLA Manager". Someone from the contributing company will be responsible for coordinating the CCLA signing process. That person will become the initial CLA Manager after it is signed.
This person (referred to internally in EasyCLA as the "CLA Manager Designee") can get designated as the initial CLA Manager either by starting the CCLA signing process themselves, or by being designated by another prospective contributor from their company who has started the EasyCLA CCLA process.
As the person who will become the initial CLA Manager, before starting the CCLA signing process, you will need to know the following before you proceed:
Are you authorized to sign the CCLA on behalf of your company?
If you are not, what is the name and email address of someone who is authorized to sign?
You may need to consult with your management or legal department for guidance on the above questions.
1. Sign in to the EasyCLA corporate console.
2. Select the project from the Search field, and click EasyCLA under the project name. Note: If a CCLA signature workflow is already in process for this project, you may be taken to the screen shown in step 5.
3. Click Start the CLA process.
4. Click an answer: Are you authorized to be a CLA Manager for your organization?
Yes: You are going to be your company's initial CLA Manager. Continue to next step.
5. Following screen appears. Under the Action column, click Proceed with Signing.
6. Select an answer: Are you authorized to sign CLAs on your company's behalf?
Yes: Continue to next step.
7. The Review CCLA window appears. Click Review & Sign CCLA.
8. The Preparing CCLA window appears. After CCLA preparation is completed, click Sign CCLA.
Result: You will be redirected to DocuSign to sign the CCLA.
9. Select the check box to agree to use electronic signatures, and click Continue. Follow the instructions in the DocuSign document to fill in the required fields, sign the CCLA, and click Finish.
Result: The CCLA is signed. You are now the CLA Manager from your company for this project. You will be redirected to the project page in the EasyCLA Corporate Console, and your name and email address will appear under CLA Managers From My Organization:
You will now be able to approve contributors to contribute to the project, and to add others as additional CLA Managers.
After signing the CCLA, you will receive an email from The Linux Foundation confirming that the CCLA is signed.
You can also download the signed CCLA at any time from within the EasyCLA Corporate Console.
If you clicked No in step 4 above, the Identify CLA Manager form appears:
Enter the name and email address of the person who should be the initial CLA Manager, and click Submit Request.
If you are not sure who is the initial CLA Manager, then click Contact Company Admin, which may let you reach out to your company's LFX administrative contact if your company has set someone up with this role, or reach out to your management or legal department for guidance.
You should follow up with the specified person to confirm that they complete the CCLA signing process. They must have an LF SSO account to use the EasyCLA Corporate Console. If they don't have LF SSO account, they must create one before proceeding.
If you clicked No in step 6 above, the Identify Authorized Signatory form appears:
Enter the name and email address of the person who should sign the CCLA, and click Send Signature Request Email.
After the CCLA is signed, you will be designated as the CCLA manager, and you will be able to approve contributors.
A CLA Manager is the person who manages the list of authorized contributors, and other aspects of their company's CCLA.
Before a CCLA is signed, there is not yet an official "CLA Manager". Someone from the contributing company will be responsible for . That person will become the initial CLA Manager after CCLA is signed.
The person who will become the initial CLA Manager is responsible for:
After the CCLA is signed, a CLA Manager of the company is responsible for:
Click under Manage column on a CLA manager's row to delete the user.
Click in the row for one of the Approval List criteria, make edits, and click Save.
Click in the row for one of the Approval List criteria, to delete the contributor or the group criteria.
You can download the signed PDF document by clicking the link from that email, where you will be redirected to The Linux Foundation's website. If the download doesn't start automatically, click Proceed to Download.