PCC: Your Go-To Meeting Management Tool
PCC streamlines your meeting processes, enabling you to organize and manage meetings efficiently. With PCC, you have the capabilities to:
Schedule meetings tailored to your team's needs, whether they occur once or regularly.
Access and review past meeting recordings, ensuring you never miss important discussions.
Obtain transcripts of your meetings, making it easier to follow up on discussions and action items.
Share recordings seamlessly with team members, enhancing collaboration and information sharing.
Use the integrated wizard to gain insights with high-level details about your meetings, improving planning and outcomes.
To access the Meetings feature:
Log in to PCC.
Select your project using the search box (1).
Navigate to the Collaboration (2) tab on the left sidebar.
Click on Meetings (3).
Toggle the Calendar switch (8) on the top right to enable or disable the calendar view.
Interaction Options
Toggle the Calendar switch on the top right to enable or disable the calendar view.
Click on individual meetings to view more details or manage the meeting.
You can now add past meetings to record attendance by toggling the Past Meeting switch on the Add Meeting page.
Use the View Zoom Accounts button to manage legacy project-dedicated Zoom accounts not listed in the meeting display.
Export your meetings to a public calendar or an iCal file using the buttons at the top right.
Following are a few pointers related to Meeting Settings:
For a Public meeting with Restricted settings disabled, the user can log in by providing their name, while email is optional.
When scheduling a Private meeting with Restricted settings enabled, participants must log in using the name and email ID provided during scheduling. Guest credentials are not allowed; participants must use their assigned email.
To view past meetings, select the desired date or month. The list includes details such as meeting title, date, number of attendees, recording, and transcript.
You can share the recording and transcript of the meeting with the required members.
You can clone a meeting and update the cloned meeting as per your requirements. Cloning a meeting allows you to retain the original details while making necessary changes.
To clone a meeting, follow these steps:
Select the scheduled public meeting that you want to clone, click icon, and select Clone Meeting.
The Clone Meeting page appears with the details of the meeting that has been selected to be cloned. You can make the changes as per your requirement and click Save to schedule the cloned meeting.
You need the necessary permissions to manage the meetings.
Manage Meeting feature allows you to update the scheduled meetings. It will enable you to update the meeting title, time, frequency, and another update for a scheduled meeting.
Manage Meeting also allows you to manage participants. You can resend the invite to the participants, add new participants, and remove a participant from the meeting.
To manage meetings, perform the following steps:
Select the scheduled meeting you want to update, click icon, and select Manage Meeting.
The Manage Recurring Meeting dialog box appears, prompting you to change your recurring meeting. Select the desired option and click Continue.
The Manage Meeting screen appears. Update the necessary changes and click Save to update the modified information.
On the Manage Meeting page, you can Resend the meeting invite to a participant, Add yourself as a participant, and you can remove a participant also from your meeting.
You can share the public meeting link with the various participants who can get register for the shared meeting.
To share a public meeting, perform the following steps:
The Share Meeting message appears. Click Copy to copy the meeting link.
Add meeting minutes and other attachments to a meeting
PCC has enhanced its functionality by allowing users to attach document links to previous meetings. This improvement facilitates better record maintenance and easier access to notes.
Navigate to the PCC home page and locate the calendar.
Select the date of the Past meeting you want to manage.
Click the next to the past meeting.
From the options, click Manage Attachments.
In the pop-up window, select the type of document you want to attach from the drop-down menu.
Enter the URL of the document in the designated field.
Click Add to attach the document to the meeting.
The document will now be attached and visible in the meeting’s records.
Alternate Method to Add Documents to Past Meetings in PCC
From the PCC home page, click on Collaboration > Meetings from the left navigation menu.
On the calendar view, select the date of the past meeting you wish to manage.
You can delete the scheduled meetings. You can either delete a particular occurrence or all the occurrences of the recurring meeting.
To cancel a meeting, follow these steps:
Select the scheduled meeting you want to delete, click icon , and select Cancel Meeting.
The Manage Recurring Meeting dialog box appears.
Click Cancel after selecting the required option.
Follow these steps to verify the past meeting participant:
On the Home page, select the past date of the meetings. For example, on the selected date there are two meetings for which you need to verify meeting participants. Alternatively, click Collaboration >Meetings to select the past meetings
Select the meeting to verify meeting participants.
Verify the participant by selecting the name from the invitee drop-down.
You can add the attendee if you do not find the match in the invitee list.
Select the scheduled public meeting that you want to share, click icon, and select Share Meeting.
Follow onward from the above to attach the documents.
Attendance is counted towards the meeting engagement score for the attendee's organization, demonstrating commitment and interest.
Tracking attendance helps identify early signs of potential member churn, as decreased attendance may indicate a loss of interest.
We can only track attendance for Board meetings but plan to extend this to other meetings in the future.
We can only map about 80% of attendees to known users in our system due to limitations such as:
Attendees who dial into meetings
Attendees who use direct links instead of the LFX Meeting Join page
Attendees of public meetings not on the invitation list
You can use this feature to schedule a future meeting or add a past meeting to record attendance in the PCC meeting management tool.
Log in to PCC.
Search for the required project.
Navigate to the Collaboration > Meetings tab on the left sidebar.
On the Meetings page, click Add Meeting.
On the next page, you can either schedule a future meeting or click the Past Meeting toggle button to add a past meeting.
Update the following details on the Schedule Meeting page, and click Save to complete the meeting schedule.
Add Title
Click on the "Add title..." field and enter a descriptive title for your meeting.
Set Date and Time
Click on the date field and select the meeting date (e.g., 07/15/2024).
Choose the start and end time for your meeting. For example, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Select Time Zone
Ensure the correct time zone is selected from the drop-down menu.
Set Reccurance (If applicable)
If the meeting repeats, select the appropriate recurrence option from the dropdown menu. If it does not repeat, leave it as "Does not repeat".
Meeting Settings Meeting Visibility
Make Meeting Public: By default, all meetings will be private. To make a meeting public, select this option.
Restricted: Choose this option to restrict the meeting to only invited participants.
Record Meeting: Select this option to record the meeting.
Recording Options:
None: The meeting recording will be accessible only to users with PCC access.
Meeting Attendees: The meeting recording will be shared with attendees who participated in the meeting.
Transcribe Meeting: Choose the transcript visibility. You can set the transcription visibility to either Private or Public.
Meeting Description
Click on the "Enter Meeting Description" field and provide a detailed description of the meeting agenda
Select a Committee
Select the required committee for which you want to invite the committee for the meeting.
Invite Guests
You can invite guests to the meeting by providing the name or email ID of the guest by entering the details in the Add Guests search field.
Select Mailing List
Select the required committee that you want to invite for the meeting.
You can also invite a member who does not belong to the committee. Click + Add New Invite. Enter the details such as name, company, email ID, and job title of the participant and click Add Meeting Participant.
When scheduling a non-recurring meeting, select Does Not Repeat while updating the meeting frequency.
In the Meeting list, the Host Key will be a blank field until the time is one hour or less from the start of the meeting. When the meeting is less than one hour from the scheduled time, the host key will appear in the Host Key row for the given meeting and the user can see/copy the value to add it into the Zoom to claim the host. This Host Key is valid only for the upcoming meeting.
The Project Control Center Application allows users to send emails to meeting attendees directly from the Home page or from Collaboration > Meetings section.
This feature is available for both upcoming and past meetings.
Sending emails to meeting attendees is a convenient feature that enables users to communicate with attendees directly from the PCC.
On the Home page, you will see the meetings calendar. Alternatively, you can click Collaboration > Meetings.
Click on the date to see the scheduled meetings.
From the list of meetings, click on the meeting to send emails to meeting attendees.
On the pop-up window, click the email icon on the top. You will be redirected to an email service provider to send an email to all the attendees.
On the Home page, you will see the meetings calendar. Alternatively, you can click Collaboration > Meetings.
Click on the past date to see the past meetings.
From the list of the meetings, click the past meeting to send the emails to meeting attendees.
You may need to scroll down the see the meeting details, such as meeting attendance.
Click the Attendance tab. You will see the list of invitees and their details whether they have attended the meeting or not.
Click the checkbox to select the members who you want to send an email. Click the top checkbox to select all the members.
Click Send Email button to go to your email service provider.
You can also add yourself to the meeting by clicking + Add yourself to the meeting. You can remove the participant by clicking the delete icon.
A recurring meeting is indicated with icon.
The Host Key appears as a masked key when the meeting is within one hour of the scheduled time. You can click the icon to see the host copy and click the icon to copy the host key.