The Sponsorship tab provides you complete insights on sponsorship events.
The following list provides you with the complete details that can extracted from the Sponsorship Insights:
Name of the event sponsored
The year in which the event was organized
Name of the employee who has submitted the event sponsorship
Closed date when the event was closed
Tier provides the type of sponsorship provided to the event
You can check the yearly sponsorship details using the time filter.
Access the Sponsorship tab for comprehensive insights into your organization's sponsorship activities, including supported events, involved employees, and sponsorship types. Use this information to make informed decisions.
Travel Funding tab provides the estimated travel funds allocated from the Linux Foundation to an organization to participate in various events.
The following list provides you with the complete details that can be extracted from the Travel Funding:
Total travel fund received from the Linux Foundation
Name of the event for which the travel funding has been received
The year in which the event is organized
Estimated travel fund received for a particular event
Number of recipients allocated with the travel fund.
The Linux Foundation organizes various open-source events throughout the year, benefiting multiple open-source projects. These events play a crucial role in building and sustaining open-source communities.
Exchange Ideas: Participants can share their knowledge and exchange ideas with the community.
Learn from Peers: Attendees can learn from other open-source enthusiasts and experts.
Collaborate: These events foster collaboration among developers, designers, and contributors.
Innovate: Participants can design and develop new open-source solutions.
Security Challenges: Hackathons address security challenges and troubleshoot issues.
Linux Foundation Events: You can explore all the events organized and hosted by the Linux Foundation.
Organizations’ Role:
Registration: Organizations can register and participate in various events.
Support: By sponsoring events, organizations contribute to bringing the open-source community together to tackle challenges collectively.
You can check out all the events organized and hosted by the Linux Foundation at Linux Foundation Events.
To access the Events page, follow these steps:
Log in to the Organization Dashboard.
On the left navigation menu, enter your company or organization name in the Search box.
By default, the dashboard page appears.
Click the Events menu available on the vertical sidebar navigation.
You can filter data or select "All Time" to view cumulative data.
Number of Open Source Events Attended by Employees: Displays the total number of open source events attended by employees from the user's organization.
Total Attendance: Displays the total number of attendees from your organization across all events.
Number of Events Spoken At: Displays the total number of events where employees from your organization have spoken.
Total Number of Speakers: Displays the total number of employees from your organization who have spoken at events.
Total Registration for Events: Displays the organization's total number of event registrations.
The data is shown for the selected time period.
Event Name
Event Date
Speaking proposals
Event sponsors
Ranking: Displays a ranking of employees from the user's organization based on the number of events they have attended.
Leaderboard Table: A tabular format displaying the top attendees, including:
Employee Name
Number of Events Attended
Total Attendance
Ranking: Displays a ranking of employees from the user's organization based on the number of events they have spoken at.
Leaderboard Table: A tabular format displaying the top speakers, including:
Employee Name
Number of Events Spoken At
Total Number of Speakers
Bar Chart: A bar chart displaying the total number of in-person and virtual attendees for the selected time period.