From the right-side pane of the window, you can view the badges that you have earned and your skill sets.
The Badges pane shows the digital community badges that you have earned. Your expertise may be published on LFX Insights Community Dashboards and Organization Dashboards, recognizing your efforts.
In the future, you can add non-Linux Foundation badges to your profile. Community badges are generated from the following sources:
Digital badges are generated from the following sources:
For the Linux Foundation Certifications, you have successfully passed.
For speaking engagements at various Linux Foundation Events or participation in program committees for these events.
Individual enrollments in projects.
Note: Clicking on a badge will take you to the Certification Verification page where you can see to whom the badge has been issued, and you can verify the badge.
Using this section, you can highlight your skills in open source and also become a mentor for people who want to follow you and learn from you. Your expertise may be published on LFX Insights and LFX Mentorship, recognizing your efforts.
To add or remove your skill sets:
1. Log in to https://openprofile.dev.
2. From the right-side pane of the window, scroll down to the Skills section and click icon.
3. On the Skills subpage, click +Add Another Skill, type your skill set in the search box, and select the skills from the displayed list.
4. To remove or edit a skill set, click the pencil icon, and then click the cross mark next to an added skill.
3. On the Skills subpage, enter your skill set and select the skill from the displayed list.
4. Click +Add Another Skill to add another skill to the list.
To view the roles you hold or have been elected to as an active member of the open-source community, follow these steps:
Log in to https://openprofile.dev
Scroll down to the Community Roles section.
The Community Roles are populated automatically based on the individual's assigned roles in different project communities. You can view the following information for each role:
Project Name for which you have the role
Committee Name
Role names, such as Lead, Chair, LF Staff, and so on
Start and end date associated with the role
If you are a point of contact on behalf of your company, which is a partner of the Linux Foundation and its projects, then your role in the context of your employer's participation in the project is also displayed. These roles are assigned by your company administrator during the membership enrollment process.
This section lets you add or update an open-source event that you attended as a speaker. You can add any open-source events outside of the Linux Foundation as well. Adding your speaking experience greatly enhances your profile in the open-source community.
To add an event that you attended as a speaker, follow these steps:
Click icon to Add Speaking Experience.
Provide event details such as title, date of the event, presentation file, and youtube URL if there is any, and click Submit.
The following screen is displayed when you add one or more events that you attended as a speaker. You can edit or delete an event by clicking the edit (pencil icon) or delete icon on the event name.
This section displays the Linux Foundation certifications that you have acquired after successfully completing the certification programs.
Your open source industry certifications issued by the Linux Foundation are automatically discovered. Your expertise may be published on LFX Insights Community dashboards and your Organization dashboards, recognizing your efforts.
In the future, you can publish industry certifications from other non-Linux Foundation entities.
You can view the certifications you have completed.
Log in to https://openprofile.dev
To view completed certifications, scroll down to the Linux Foundation & Project Issued Certifications section. If your certification names are not displaying, click Request Addition to submit a ticket to get it added on your profile page.
On the left navigation pane of the individual dashboard, you will see the Profile section. Navigating through the various options on this page will help you get acquainted with your Individual Dashboard.
The My Profile section provides details, such as your name, profile image, your organization's name, your role in the organization, an introduction about you, and technical and social accounts that are highlighted if you have connected any of them with your Linux Foundation account.
The status shows your profile's progress. It shows the steps that are required to be completed before profile completion.
Connect your GitHub and LinkedIn accounts to complete your profile. After completing the profile, you will receive a discount coupon worth 50% discount for LF training or certification on your profile under My Rewards> Coupons.
Click LEARN MORE to complete your profile.
2. On the next pop-up window, click Get Started.
3. To claim your contributions, link your GitHub and LinkedIn accounts. Click Link GitHub Account to connect and authorize your GitHub account. After linking, you can claim your code contributions. Click Set up later if you do not want to link your accounts.
4. Click Connect LinkedIn to complete your profile. Connecting to LinkedIn will Quickly populate your work history through LinkedIn and verify that your technical contributions match up with your employers.
Click REVIEW EMAIL ADDRESSES to review all the email addresses that you use to contribute or want to associate with your open-source profile.
Click Add Email Address to add your other Email addresses.
The About Me section provides a rich markdown editor where you can write some interesting facts and information about yourself that reflect your interests, influence, or contributions to the open source community.
Click Get Started to write about yourself and your open source work experience.
Click Save to save your information.
The Linux Foundation values your privacy and does not share or use your data for marketing.
From the right side pane of the window, you can view and manage profile visibility, view, and complete profile completion details, view any upcoming Linux Foundation events that you have registered for, and many more.
On the right side panel, you can see basic details, such as your profile image, your organization name, designation, and location. Click the pencil icon to navigate to the Basic Information section to make changes.
Below the basic details section, the icons of social accounts (LinkedIn) and technical accounts such as GitHub are listed. The icons are greyed or highlighted depending on their configuration. Connect your LinkedIn and Git accounts to add your open-source experience to your profile.
Connecting with LinkedIn and GitHub is the fastest and easiest way to affiliate your open-source contributions with your employment history. Your contributions are retrieved and displayed based on your unique usernames and email addresses that you have used to contribute to the open-source community.
Your affiliations also get published to LFX Insights Community Dashboards and your Organization Dashboards, highlighting your efforts to your employer.
To connect your LinkedIn account with your LF account, follow these steps:
On the LinkedIn login page, enter your credentials. Click Sign in.
3. Review the Settings > My Work History page that displays your work history based on the work experience you have provided in your LinkedIn account.
To connect your GitHub account with your LF account, follow these steps:
On the next page, authorize your GitHub account.
To showcase your contribution on your open source profile, you can connect multiple GitHub accounts.
This section displays if your profile is public or private. Click the pencil icon to navigate to the Profile Visibility section to make changes. The URL includes the individual dashboard URL and your unique username, in the format https://myprofile.dev.platform.linuxfoundation.org/profile/{{
This section displays your contribution history to the open source projects, depending upon the configuration (the technical account you have connected). If you have not connected any of the accounts, it displays the options to connect. Click Connect to GitHub or Connect to LinkedIn to connect to the respective accounts.
Technical contributions also get published to LFX Insights Community Dashboards, recognizing your efforts.
For the configured or connected Git accounts, this section shows:
Projects you are contributing to or have contributed in the past.
Supported projects include individual annual memberships.
You can view the projects that you support by enrolling as an individual supporter.
Log in to
Scroll down to the Supported Projects section.
It displays the project name and the date when you enrolled as an individual supporter.
shows that the Email address is your primary Email address.
Click icon to edit About Me section if you want to update your information.
Click icon on the profile complete page.
Click icon on the profile completion page.
Contribution history for the last 12 months displays your monthly contribution to a project on a daily basis. The green-colored small rectangular boxesrepresent less or more contributions you have made to the open source projects on a particular day.
Your participation in open source training hosted by the Linux Foundation is automatically discovered. Your learning may be published on LFX Insights Community dashboards and your Organization dashboards, recognizing your efforts.
The section will display the following details:
Training course name and date of enrollment.
If you have not enrolled into trainings, the Take Advantages of Linux Foundation Training Programs CTA button navigates you to the Linux Foundation Training course catalogues.
If your training enrollments are not displayed, for any reason, Click Request Addition to raise a support ticket to get your training enrollment added to your profile.