By default, Bot Commits are filtered, however, you can include the filter value by navigating to the filter section of dashboard. For details, see Add and Manage Data Filters.
The Groupsio dashboard is available from the Mailing List drop-down list, and represents a set of metrics that shows information about the communication channel.
Overview shows a high-level information about email activity of groups for a project.
Filter lets you filter the dashboard data by author name and organization name. Select values from the respective drop-down lists, and click Apply changes to filter the dashboard as per selection.
Summary shows the total number of Emails (that includes both sent and received), Participants, and Lists over time.
Participants By Organization shows a doughnut chart that represents the total number of individuals per organization who have sent the messages/emails. Mouse over a color in the chart to see the organization name, total number and percentage of individuals of that organization out of the total number of authors who have sent emails/messages.
Top Trending Subjects shows a subject cloud of most discussed topics/subjects in the channel. Click a subject to view the corresponding data in dashboard. Close or delete the filter to see default values.
Active Participants shows a bar graph that represents the total number of participants per day over time. Mouse over a color to see the total number of participants for a particular day.
Messages Sent shows a bar graph that represents the total number of messages per day over time. Mouse over a color to see the total number of messages for a particular day.
Messages By Timezone shows a bar graph with a count of messages per Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. Mouse over a color in the graph to see the total number of messages for each time zone.
Top Participating Authors shows a table that lists participant names, number of messages per participant, date and time of first and last message sent by the participant.
Top Participating Organizations shows a table that lists organization name, number of messages shared by the organization, and number of participants of the organization.
Recent Messages shows a table lists the recent date and time when the message was sent, subject of the message, and the participant name who sent the message.
Top Mailinglist shows a table that lists links of top 5 mailing lists, number of emails, senders, and organizations associated with the mailing list.