The Project Control Center Application allows users to send emails to meeting attendees directly from the Home page or from Collaboration > Meetings section.
This feature is available for both upcoming and past meetings.
Sending emails to meeting attendees is a convenient feature that enables users to communicate with attendees directly from the PCC.
Sending emails to upcoming meeting attendees
Why do I need to send Emails to upcoming meeting attendees
Here are some reasons why you may need to send email to future meeting attendees:
Pre-meeting preparation: To prepare attendees for the meeting by sending relevant information or materials.
Agenda confirmation: To confirm the meeting agenda and ensure attendees are aware of the topics to be discussed.
Meeting details: To send meeting details such as date, time, location, and duration.
Pre-meeting tasks: To assign pre-meeting tasks or reading materials to attendees.
Invitation to contribute: To invite attendees to contribute to the meeting by sharing their thoughts or ideas beforehand.
Background information: To provide background information or context related to the meeting topic.
Expectations: To set expectations for the meeting, such as what will be discussed and what outcomes are expected.
RSVP reminder: To send a reminder to attendees to RSVP to the meeting.
On the Home page, you will see the meetings calendar. Alternatively, you can click Collaboration > Meetings.
Click on the date to see the scheduled meetings.
From the list of meetings, click on the meeting to send emails to meeting attendees.
On the pop-up window, click the email icon on the top. You will be redirected to an email service provider to send an email to all the attendees.
Sending emails to past meeting attendees
Why do I need to send Emails to past meeting attendees
Here are some reasons why a user may need to send email to past meeting attendees:
Follow-up: To follow up on action items or decisions made during the meeting.
Clarification: To clarify any points or questions that arose during the meeting.
Update: To provide an update on the status of tasks or projects discussed during the meeting.
Feedback: To solicit feedback from attendees on the meeting or its outcomes.
Additional information: To provide additional information or resources related to the meeting topic.
Reminders: To send reminders about upcoming deadlines or tasks related to the meeting.
Survey or poll: To conduct a survey or poll to gather opinions or feedback from attendees.
Next steps: To outline next steps or actions required from attendees.
On the Home page, you will see the meetings calendar. Alternatively, you can click Collaboration > Meetings.
Click on the past date to see the past meetings.
From the list of the meetings, click the past meeting to send the emails to meeting attendees.
You may need to scroll down the see the meeting details, such as meeting attendance.
Click the Attendance tab. You will see the list of invitees and their details whether they have attended the meeting or not.
Click the checkbox to select the members who you want to send an email. Click the top checkbox to select all the members.
Click Send Email button to go to your email service provider.